7. The Trip to the Planetarium

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Niall and Luke hold hands and run ahead of Luke's mother Sara, and his four year old sister, Poppy, in the tunnels of the planetarium.

They've been to every exhibit already, but Luke's Mom said that they can visit their favourite once more before they leave, and so they're going back to Mars.

"C'mon, I wanna go in the rocket cinema again," Luke tells him, tugging on his good hand and pulling him along. "I like it when the seats move, it makes my tummy do that thing it does when you go over a bump in the car."

Niall giggles at that, allowing Luke to shove him into the first row of seats in front of the large cinema screen before he climbs in after him, practically vibrating in excitement.

The short movie starts and the seat move along with the video, so it feels as if they're really experiencing it all. They've already done it twice, this time becoming the third, but by the end of it, they're giggling and begging to start it again.

Sara laughs and then and shakes her head. She stands up with Poppy on her hip and checks her watch. "I'm afraid our three hours are up. Butttt, we're gonna order pizza for dinner once we get home and the two of you get changed into your jammies."

Luke cheers happily at that, throwing his fists in the air. "YES! Pizzaaaaa!" He yells, jumping up from his seat and grabbing Niall's good hand again. "This is the best birthday ever!"

Niall grins, giggling at his best friends excitement. He likes pizza, but he's never ordered it before. Nor has he ever had a sleepover or been to a birthday party at a planetarium before, so today is a day filled with new experiences.

He's excited too. But maybe a little anxious as well.

Once they get back to Luke's house, Sara tells them to get dressed, and when they return to the living room, the pizza is already there.

Niall smiles at Sara as she sets the boxes down on the coffee table and hands them both a paper plate.

"Thank you, miss Sara," he says softly, sitting down on the couch beside Luke, allowing the nine year old to slap a couple of slices down onto his plate for him.

Luke's mother smiles at him, and her eyes do that crinkly, warm thing that grown-ups eyes sometimes do when they look at him. "That's alright, darling," she says, scooping Poppy up as the four year old begins to whine by her feet. "I'm gonna go set this one down for bed since she ate earlier. Can I trust you boys to put on a movie that won't give you nightmares tonight?"

Luke grins cheekily at his Mom. "Can we please just watch a horror movie? I promise I won't be scared," he begs, and Niall stays quiet, glancing between his friend and his friend's Mom.

Sara raises an eyebrow at the boy, amused, shaking her head. "No way, little man. You may be nine now, but you're still my baby -"

Luke whines, leaning his head back on the couch. "Mo-om. Not in front of Niall," he groans, face turning red.

Niall giggles, covering his mouth and shrugging his shoulders up to his ears.

Sara grins and leans over the back of the couch to kiss Luke on the top of the head. "No horrors."

Luke pouts, but nods. He looks at Niall and shrugs. "I guess we can watch Spider-Man."

Niall nods happily. "Cool," he agrees, lifting up to overly cheesy pizza and taking a bite.

The two of them watch the movie and eat their pizza, and by the time the end credit scene has passed, Luke's head is on his shoulder and the older boy is falling to sleep.

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