Chapter 12

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When they finally arrived at the A&E department, the doctors and nurses were already there on standby.

They quickly placed him on the trolley bed and rushed him into the room while checking on his vitals and bombarding Mew with questions. Everything was happening so fast. 

Mew was feeling terribly frustrated at himself for not being able to provide any information to the medical team since he wasn't there with him.

He hasn't stopped crying since he found Gulf on the floor.  

"Fuck!!!!" Mew cursed and buried his face in his hands while Tamp comforted him as they waited outside the room. 

Every ticking minute felt like an eternity to Mew. It was agonising Mew. 

Tamp had only left Mew when his assistance was required to fill in the necessary documents on behalf of Gulf since Bester wasn't there.

It took Mew a long while to finally stop crying and when he did, he called Gulf's parents.

Gulf's parents sounded calm since they knew what their son was going through but it certainly did not discount the fact that they were filled with worry and grief.

The phone call ended with them thanking Mew for being there and that they are on their way. 

Mew was too distraught to notice the calmness in their voices. 

The men sat down on the couch as they anxiously waited for the red light to turn green which would mean that the doctor would be coming out. 

Mew's head started to throb after crying nonstop but the pain from seeing the love of his life being sick yet he couldn't do anything to help was greater than a mere headache. 

Best arrived an hour later with Som. The crew and actors were sent home after filming was halted. 

It would mean another delay but none of that matters now. Som understood and so did the rest of the crew. 

Everyone remained quiet. Each praying and hoping that Gulf would be okay until Mew broke the silence.

"P'Best… what happened to Gulf…?" Mew's lips trembled as he asked. His eyes were filled with sadness and worry. 

Best stammered. He was torn between keeping his promise to Gulf or if he should tell the truth to Mew. But luckily, the arrival of the doctors decided for him.

Mew scrambled to his feet and rushed towards the doctor. 

"How is Gulf?" Mew grabbed the doctor by his shoulder. 

Tamp squeezed Mew's shoulder to calm him down but it was futile given how anxious he was.

"The patient is fine. We've got it under control." He starts. The wash of relief Mew felt was tremendous until the doctor's next words, "Is he under a lot of stress?" 

Mew was confused and not to mention ashamed. He felt useless for not knowing the answer to this simple question. Unlike before where he would know even the smallest details about Gulf. 

The grip on the gown loosen and he stepped back in dejection. 

"Yes…" Bester responded.

"I have repeatedly told him that he must not be under any stress. Judging from his current condition, he must have been under a tremendous amount of stress for his stomach ulcer to worsen." The doctor lectured.

Mew felt as if he was watching a foreign film. He did not understand a single thing. 

"Stomach ulcer…?" Mew repeated questioningly but the doctor dismissed him and continued with his words.

"Gulf has to take better care of his health so please tell him not to overwork. For the sake of his health, please emphasize that he should stay away from stress and overwork. He knows well what to avoid and what to continue doing as well." 

Question marks formed in Mew's head. 

"Since when, doctor?" 

"The patient came to us about a few months ago." He nodded as a form of goodbye and left the rest for the nurse to continue. 

"We have transferred the patient to a private ward. Please rest assured that we will do our best to make sure no media gets wind of this. You may follow me to the private ward now." 

Gulf's parents had arrived just in time when they were about to follow the nurse to the ward. Mew had instructed his Stus to head home. Som too headed home, leaving Best, Gulf's parents and Mew. 

While they followed the nurse to the private ward, Mew filled Gulf's parents in of Gulf's condition. 

"You may visit him but please do not stay too long as the patient needs rest. The nurses' station is just up in the front. And we only take care of this private ward which is K'Gulf at the moment. Please feel free to approach if there is anything you need." The nurse reminded them before taking her leave. 

They quietly rushed in when the nurse left.

"Gulf…" Mew collapsed on his knees at the side of the bed and held Gulf's hand tightly. 

He started crying once more. "Gulf…" Mew called out as he stroked his head lovingly. 

The three elders stood behind and watched Mew with teary eyes. Their hearts ached for them.

Mew felt stupid, frustrated and miserable. 

"Gulf… why did you keep it from me?" Mew cried out. "You know you can tell me anything…. I'm sorry… I failed you…" He sobbed into Gulf's hands.

His shoulders were shaking so much as he cried. When Mama T couldn't take it anymore, she pulled Mew up and hugged him tightly. 

Mew was like a son to them just like Gulf is to the Jongcheveevat family. His family instantly fell in love with Gulf due to his mannerisms. Everyone adored Gulf. 

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