Chapter 1: Introductions Pt. 1

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The most common thing you got from your soulmate was pain.

Random cuts during school or the strange bruise that showed up while you were out with friends. They appeared often, more often than they did with most people, but they also healed quicker too. Many nights you would lie awake as you stared at the ceiling and wondered what your soulmate could possibly be doing. All your life wounds would appear without warning, sometimes years between and sometimes only a few hours.

Most people can sense the emotions of their soulmate if they are strong enough. You didn't often, but sometimes you would feel angry or confident at strange times. Sometimes it would be disgust or you would be holding back laughter during a test.

In 2011, you passed out in the middle of class from pain.

That was the event that got you stuck in the hospital on the brink of death. You had a fever, cuts, and broken bones, but they didn't fully heal until not long before the Battle of New York. You were still in the hospital with a fever, which was ironic for a girl with fire powers, though you were glad you were stuck as something happened again and you were there for another week. The staff were reluctant to let you go to say the least, but you were able to get out.

After that, you didn't feel anything for a while. No strange cuts or bruises. No strong emotions. Nothing that would let you know what your soulmate was going through. Only for a moment were you grateful, as you attended your parents' funeral when you were released at nineteen years old.

When you got your life as together as you could you started writing notes to your soulmate, though they never responded. You didn't mind that though. If they received it that was all that mattered.

Little things written in Sharpie on your forearm were all you ever put, like "YOU CAN DO THIS" or "YOU'LL MAKE IT". On occasion you would draw on your arm with small doodles with the hopes you'll make whoever your soulmate was smile. Hopefully it made up for your clumsiness, too.

Over time you were able to recover fully and put the "extended hospital trip"- as you always put it -behind you and live your life.

Then, only three years later, a strange man with an eye patch showed up on your doorstep in (Hometown). He said his name was Director Fury and he was bringing you in as the newest member of the Avengers Initiative. Fury gave you a card with the address of Stark Tower, though you weren't sure you would need it once you were actually in New York.

It was two weeks that had flown by until you were packed and driving to what would be your new home.

***|Time skip brought to you by me not wanting to make driving filler chapters|***|Present|***

"Hey." You look up from the card to the lady behind the reception desk. It turns out you did manage to need it, which was a little embarrassing. "I was told to come here. I'm the new Avengers recruit."

"(Y/N) (L/N)?" she asks.

You nod, showing her your ID.

She types something into her computer, then says. "Someone will be down in just a minute to take you up."


You take a step away, looking around the surprisingly-empty lobby. It was already decorated for Christmas, despite it being the first of December. A giant tree was decorated in bright shades of red, gold, and teal; though it looked like everybody in the Avengers- not just Tony Stark -had at least one thing to bring them into the holiday decor.

Soon the elevator dings, and a woman with short red hair comes out. She looks between you and the receptionist before walking over.

"Hi," she calls lightly. "(Y/N)?"

"That's me," you call, and she comes over.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Natasha. You probably know me better as Black Widow."

You nod, remembering her from the news over the years. "You're awesome. And I'd tell you my name, but you already knew it."

She smiles.

We entered the elevator, quickly making it to what Natasha said was the dining hall. The kitchen and dining room were huge, just those two seemed the size of your old apartment. The pantry alone was about the size of your living room, not that that was very big.

"So you all live here?"


"This is like a dream come true."

She smiles as if hearing a joke as the elevator doors open.

"This is amazing," you said to yourself, looking over all the gadgets you've been drooling over and to broke to indulge in for years.

"We rotate between dinner duty, though it normally ends up being takeout."

You nod. "Works for me."

The two of you made your way to the living room, where two men with blonde hair were playing Mario Kart.

"Thor, you don't even know how to play!" The one with short hair shouts. He is sitting cross legged in front of the couch.

"And yet I am still beating you."

The first man swears under his breath.

"Boys," Nat calls, making them both turn around rapidly. "She's here!"

"Wow you make it sound like I'm a package they were waiting for," you say, earning a laugh from the red-head.


"Okay," you drawl, turning from her to the others. "I'm (Y/N), though I'm assuming you know my name."

The short haired one nodded. "Yeah, we uh- we all got the file."

"Cool, you probably know more about me than me."

"That's SHIELD's job, after all. I'm Clint Barton, that's Thor."

You look at the long haired blonde, who takes your hand and kisses it. It's easy to recognize him from the battle of New York. Memories of watching the six Avengers from your hospital bed with (F/N) came to mind, and you hoped it wasn't obvious on your face.

"Welcome, Lady (Y/N)."

You blush slightly, not used to anyone calling you that, and thank him.

"You two get back to your game," Nat says to them after the introductions, ushering you to the next floor. "I have a bet going with Tony on it."

"Wait," Clint yells, her words registering. "Who did you bet on?"

"I'm not saying."

He gives her a frown and sits on the floor, more determined to win than before.

Once you were out of earshot, she gave you a wink. "I bet on Thor."


A/N: Anyone who's read any of my other stuff knows that this isn't my normal writing style, but sometimes a self-indulgent-everyone-lives-in-Avengers-Tower-SoulmateAU-comfort story is just what you need to write. Regardless, welcome to Fire and Ice, my first time actually writing a Loki x Reader. Hopefully you all enjoyed it. Don't expect regular updates, and votes and comments are always appreciated. 

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