A New Friend

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"Um, hello. My name is Jamie"

I felt butterflies whirl around in my stomach. What on earth is going on.

"Jamie, hi. I'm (y/n) what can I get for you today?

She eagerly took a few more steps forward.

"Um, actually, I've been here before." Ah, so I must've recognised her subconsciously, that's why.

"I-I usually sit in the corner th-there."
I looked over to her pointing at the window seat in the corner, the first place I met Shoto. I smiled at the memory, before looking back to Jaime, she was notably blushing.

"I'm sorry I'm quite nervous" she shyed away looking to the side.

"Oh no it absolutely fine, don't worry about it" I tried to reassure her.

"Well, I was wondering, if I could work here. I really do love this bakery, and I haven't seen your assistant here much as of recently and I was also hoping to learn a bit more about baking as well"

I smiled. "That would be great I really could do with some more help around here, wait right here" I quickly walked to the back where I got a form and a pen before going back to give it to Jamie.
"I'll need you to fill this out for me first, take a seat right over there. Since it's a slow day today we can start some of your training now if you'd like"
She perked up to my response.
"That would be great thank you", she bowed before taking a seat.
I giggled a little as I thought it was cute.

After she filled out the form we spent the rest of the day training, I taught her the basics of measuring and how to line the tins before moving on to the actual baking, we mainly did cupcakes just so she could get her footing. She seemed to really enjoy it, and was actually pretty good. She was funny and we got on really well, we also had a lot in common. We were both quirkless and loved to bake. We are also both newly single, well kinda, she broke up with her fiancé a year ago she said it had become an obsessive relationship and she had to leave as it was suffocating. She tensed up a little and I empathised with her telling her about me and Izuku. I think we really bonded, she's so lovely.

Hours went by and it was almost time to close the shop.
"Thanks for staying a little longer to help clean up"
"It was no problem (y/n), after I was the reason it was a mess in the first place. Thanks for the job." She said as she placed her apron on the hook. I went to do the same,
"Hey now your still a baker in training, this bakery is my baby". We both laughed as we walked to the door.

"Hey Jamie, do you have plans this evening?"
She turns back around to face me.
"Not really, why?"
"Well we are having a little gathering since my friend is feeling down, I was going to take the cupcakes we made today and since you made them I thought it would only be right to invite you."
She smiled softly.
"I'd love to, thank you for inviting me" then her expression changed suddenly, "oh my gosh, what if they taste bad"
"They don't" I giggled "I nicked one when you weren't looking"
We both laughed.

"Alright let pack them up and head off"
We both walked back into the kitchen and packed up the cupcakes into two round boxes. We both took one each and began to walk out the store. When we got outside I put my box on top on Jamie's, she notably struggled which I found funny. I locked the door and took my box back, teasing her about how red her face was before we began to walk.

It's really nice to have a made a new friend.

*Across the street

*Click Click Click

HEYYY. Guys if I'm being totally honest rn my life has gone to absolute sh1t. You know how I said to think about the worst situation a teenager could possibly be in, yeah well now add homelessness to that. We are couch surfing round here😭💔. Anyhoo another short chapter I know but not much is happening currently and I don't want to fill the chapters up just because. I want every sentence to be meaningful to the story. I'm at uni but we are on a Christmas break, plus I am BORED so I should be able to update with another chapter hopefully. My writers block has disappeared and I'm excited to see where this story goes. Updates are gonna be slow I'm sorry, I don't have much free time as I once did. Plus this rona business got me all the way messed up. Everyone stay safe okay!
Anyway, see you later guys.

Bye ❤️

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