How do i feel?

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a couple of days now since the "almost heat" incident. I yawned picking up my phone from my desk. I decided to close the bakery today in order to mentallly prepare myself for izuku's "going away party". Should I even be going? I'm his ex after all, wouldn't that be weird. Groaning I pulled my pillow into my face forgetting the reason why I picked up my phone in the first place. Shoto. I removed the pillow and looked on our chat.

Hey, just checking in.
Um are you okay?
Take all the time you need I get it
Hopefully I'll see you soon?
Read Yesterday 12:52pm

Of course he ignored me, he's in his rut for god sakes. Why would he reply? Annoyed at myself for not being able to control my urges to text him I put my phone down and force myself out of bed. I walk to the mirror pointing at myself. "You've got bigger things to deal with now (y/n) your going to go there and your going to say goodbye to izuku" unintentionally a tear ran down my face. Quickly wiping my eyes I turned away and walked over to the bathroom. No more crying okay.

Time skip to the afternoon

"So what are you going to wear?" Uraraka sighed rolling her eyes. For the past twenty minutes she had been watching you try on dress after dress undecided on how you want to look at the party. "Nothing seems to look right" you now walked out of the changing room in a royal blue dress that you had tried on at least three times and sat next to your friend, leaning on her shoulder exhausted. "So can we ask for assistance now? The employees have been staring at us for ages" you hear shot up, previously you had a long conversation about not wanting to ask for help on what to wear and how your a grown woman, why would the store clerk know better than you did. You pouted. Uraraka furrowed her eyebrows "(Y/N)!" " Fineee". You rolled your eyes and slouched back into your chair defeated. A smile grew on Uraraka's face as she shot up out of her seat to ask the store clerk for advice.

As she spoke for what seemed like eternity your mind began to wonder. I wonder if Shoto is okay. Did I do something wrong? You reached for your phone and unlocked it. You were about to open your chat until- "(Y/N)!" Uraraka practically screamed snatching the phone from you. "You've been checking that chat all day! You promised you would stay off your phone" you frowned turning away at the disappointment of being caught. "Look" she sat down speaker in a softer tone. "I'm sure he's fine, he'll message when he's better I promise. But you checking the chat all the time is just going to drive you insane. I know you like him and all but-" You shot you straight in your chair. "I-I don't like him. I'm just worried about him. That's it. That's all" you sat back down and folded your arms. Uraraka rolled her eyes dramatically. "Whatever you say. Anyway here's the dress the lady recommended. Hurry up and try it on before we spend the entire day here". You huffed before grabbing the dress and marching into the changing room.

Time skip brought to you by hot girl bummer - blackbear

After trying in the dress you both decided that you would wear it to the party. You then met up with Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu to get your nails and hair done even though Jiro somewhat protested against it. You were now in a cafe drinking boba while trying to sneak on you phone without Ochako noticing. "Hey Uraraka" Tsuyu called catching her attention. "Hm?" " Why does it look like (Y/N) is carrying out a spy mission in your bag" the rest of the table giggled as you shot up at the sound of your name. You head immediately turned to face Uraraka who was giving you a look of disappointment. You raised your hand up in defends. "I-I was just trying to check the time, honest" you raised your right hand in the air placing the left one behind you back with your fingers crossed. Mina barely catching her breath questioned "what's up with that?" The others still laughing silently. "She's been obsessed with checking her phone every since Shoto left her in read". Pop's and ahhh's began to erupt from the table. You poured and looked away to embarrassed to admit to the fact that she was right. "Ohhh Shoto, the half white half red head who came to the games night?" Jiro questioned, "yeah the one who works at the bakery with you now?" Momo asked. You didn't move. "Yes him. He's going through this, well you know, the r word, and (y/n) hasn't heard from him since Saturday". " cheer up (y/n), most men alphas don't like to communicate with anyone during their rut, especially an omega they care about". Your face was at least fifty shades of red by now h-he cares about me?. Momo continued " As you know Alphas crave skin in skin contact with an omega and therefore it would be a bit messy if he was always running to you or messaging you, you see it's-" "OKAY OKAY I GET IT PLEASE STOP PLEASE". You were practically glowing red now and we're overly conscious of the stares and looks you were getting from people around you who could here your very provocative conversation. The table started to laugh again. "It only lasts a week usually" Tsuyu addresses you "he should message you by Saturday anyway so don't worry to much". You looked away still embarrassed by what just happened. "Yeah I guess" you responded quietly.

Time skip because it's 23:53pm and I need to go running at 6:00am tomorrow

After eating you all went your separate ways and decided to meet at Izukus agency where the party was being held. You were looking in the mirro adding the finishing touches to your outfit. You had to admit it, that store clerk had great taste. You put on shoes and earrings and admired yourself for a minute or two.

This is the kind of outfit I had in mind

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This is the kind of outfit I had in mind

Way to mix formal with slightly sexy. You pulled out your phone to take some photos when it began to vibrate almost leading you to drop it. You opened up messages.


Hey, I'm sorry I haven't been in contact. Things have been rough, I apologise if I worried or upset you. I'll see you later xx.

Your eyes widened at the words you had just read. You then read over the text again and again jumping and squealing a little with each word. xx? XX? He never sends xx. In the midst of all your happiness you caught a glimpse of yourself  in the mirror and your smile fell slightly. Realising that you were now jumping for joy over text from someone that you had insisted was only a friend.

How do I feel?

Okayyyy I know I said I'd post to chapter but I have mini exams and an interview coming up so I've been busy sowwwy. This A/N is going to be short because it's soooo late and my arm is cramping up. Hope you enjoyed this chapter because I'm not sure you'll enjoy the next one xx

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