Netflix and Cuddles

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3rd Person POV

"Um (Y/N), who is he?" Izuku stared at the male puzzled. You pulled away from your hug with Shoto and smiled "Izuku! You made it!" You hugged your boyfriend unaware of the the tension quickly growing in the atmosphere. He hugged you back and as your released him you could finally sense the glares that were being passed between your boyfriend and Shoto. You quickly interjected "Shoto this is my boyfriend Izuku" Shoto looked at you slight uneasy "Boyfriend?" "Ah I must of forgotten to mention that when we were at the bakery, anyway and Izuku this is my new friend Shoto, you know the guy who always comes into the bakery?" Izuku scoffed a little " You mean the one who always comes into stare at you?"  You giggled trying to ease the tension" We established that he didn't come to stare at me per say it was more to stare at my decorations, he's a buddying baker". Silence was all that occurred between the two. Suddenly two powerful scents began to grow in intensity.

A/N Alphas release their scent to claim dominance and control so basically they are fighting without words to see who's the most dominant alpha

The pheromones was too much and you staggered a bit. Their attention quickly changed to you as they rushed to your aid "Are you okay?" They said in unison looking at each other  then looking back at you. "Yeah I'm okay, just feeling a bit light headed. Izuku, could you get me some water, I'll be inside in a second I just need some air" " Yeah okay" he regrettably left you with Shoto and went inside. "I'm okay now Shoto, you don't need to hold me as if I'm going to die" you giggled a little and he let go with a soft blush growing into his cheeks. "You wanna come inside and meet the others" he nodded and you lead him inside.

Once you entered you introduced everyone to Shoto and the boys took him in talking about who knows what while the girls giggled in the corner. Izuku came and gave you your water which you thanked him for and you all played various games. Card games which surprisingly Todoroki was really good at, board games that ended up broken due to katsuki's anger at loosing  and the Nintendo switch which of course you dominated on but Todoroki came close to beating you. Izuku then left the room to take a call and he'd been out for a while so you went to check on him.

Your POV

When I walked into the hallway Izuku was putting on his coat and shoes before he stopped as he saw me. "Where are you going?" I question slightly irritated as I was sure I already knew the answer. "I'm really sorry (Y/N) but the agency-"are you kidding me right now?? You just went there! Can't they go two seconds without you?" " look (Y/N) I'm the number one hero, of course I'm going to be busy can't you just accept that instead of getting angry at me every time I need to go to work? Seriously, it's much harder than just running a bakery" regret instantly washing over his face as he said that "(Y/N) I didn't mean-" Don't you dare undermine me and what I do for a living. Yes I'm quirkless and run a pathetic bakery while your out there saving lives doing more important work. But at least I make time to be with my boyfriend any chance I get even when I'd usually have a busy day at the cafe" at this point tears were streaming down my face. "Just leave, that's what your good at anyway"

3rd Person POV

With that you turned back into the living room walking past everyone. "(Y/N)  are you okay?" Mina rushed behind you with Uraraka closely following "(Y/N)!!" You rushed into the bathroom and sat on the toilet which had its lid down. You cried,  why was he being so cruel? So unfair?. "(Y/N) are you okay?" Mina cane and sat on the tub behind you. "We all heard everything. The walls are quite thin" Uraraka sighed leaning against the doorway. "All he does is leave. Then he had the cheek to disregard my bakery that I worked so hard for. He knows that so why" your sobs took over, you couldn't hold it back anymore, all the pain from every time he leaves, the weekends alone, the sleepless nights. It was all becoming too much. "Look (Y/N)" Uraraka came and bent down to your level " I'm sure he didn't mean it. You were both angry, you say a lot of things that you don't mean when you angry. Plus he loves you (Y/N) okay,never forget that.

You wiped your eyes and sighed, " I just wanna go home" Mina stood up "alright let me get my stuff oh and Uraraka go and get- "no you guys stay here, your enjoying yourselves, I'll be fine on my own" "are you sure about that?" Mina questioned "yeah (Y/N) we can come with you" " No it's fine. You guys stay" u got up and walked down the stairs back into the living room. "Hey guys I'm gonna head home now" Kirishima stood up from sitting on Bakugo "Are you sure? Your welcome to stay longer, the games night isn't over yet" "Yeah, I'm just tired" "aright then see you at the bakery on Monday?" "Yeah".

You got your stuff together and told everyone goodbye. You were about to leave when Todoroki came up to you. "Let me walk you home. It's dark out and your upset, you shouldn't be left alone. Plus your the whole reason why I'm here" he was blushing but you were too upset to notice. "Alright" you said stepping out into the cold

*Time skip*

It had been 10 minutes since you started walking and there was nothing but silence between you two. Finally Shoto built up the confidence to ask "are you okay?". You don't know why but you just started cry when he asked that and all through the rest of the  way back you opened up to him about your worries with Izuku and the argument you'd just had. "Wow. I think that being a hero is pretty tough more so when your the number one hero because everyone looks to you for pretty much everything. Although I feel like time should still be made for the ones you love. To me it's like this, why bother saving millions of people, if you can't even save the relationships you have with the ones you care about" you stopped walking. He took a couple more paces before he realised that you stopped, he turned to look at you. "(Y/N)?" You ran to him instantly wrapping your arms around him, tears still falling from your face but at a slower rate. Shoto was surprised at this sudden act of affection but proceeded to hug you back

He just wanted to comfort you anyway he could. You smiled slightly "Thank you Shoto, also this is my house". "Oh okay, well can i come by the cafe on Monday, you know, for decorations?" " Yeah sure I'll see you Monday". You waved goodbye to Todoroki and went inside. You took of your coat, your shoes and went straight upstairs to collapse on your bed. Today was horrible.

*Time skip*

It was Sunday afternoon and you were gorging out on Ben and Jerry's ice cream watching the notebook when you heard a knock on the door. Your weren't expecting anyone.

Izuku's POV

I wasn't expecting her to let me in. I wouldn't let me if if I was her know what I said last night. But I was hoping that she would. The door creaked open, she poked her nose out of the small gap made by the open door. As soon as she saw me she furrowed her eyebrows and slammed the door shut. "(Y/N) please. Look you were right, I do need to spend more time with you and I'm sorry I left like that yesterday it was wrong and I should have stayed with you. I'm sorry for what I said, the fact that you own your own bakery and manage the baking, assisting customers and managing the counter all on your own is amazing. I had no right to say your work wasn't difficult because I know it is. The door opened again a little more than before but not that much she peeked through "and why should I forgive you?"  "I phoned the agency and I refused to come in today, I also bought (your favourite snacks) and (your favourite drink) and I was wondering if we could watch Netflix together. Just us no phone calls" she slammed the door again.

I thought that was her rejecting me and I stood there in shock for a while before she I head the latch being taken off and the door swinging open. She jumped into my arms causing me to drop the bag of snacks. She looked up at me and pecked me on my nose " okay freckles, I forgive you. I smiled and kissed her for what seemed like forever before pulling away grabbing the bag and walking into the house with her in my arms.

Tonight it would be just us, Netflix and cuddles.

This has to be the longestttt chapter I've ever written and yes it's still the same day and yes I am exhausted but I had some chocolate cake and I'm on a roll so one chapter left and then imma take a break. Don't forget to vote on the chapters you like.

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