Im sorry

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The rush between throwing away the burnt cake, you remaking a new second a layer and cooking the last layer along with it you managed to piece together a three tier pink ombré cake with pink and white roses piped beautiful along the top and bottom tier of the cake by the one and only Shouto. You both stood back covered in flour, icing and cake mixture, marvelling over what seemed like an impossible creation an hour ago. You turned to face Shouto, beaming with the biggest smile on your face. He turned back with his usual half smile and you raised you hand as high above your head as you could considering he was quite a bit taller than you.

At first he looked at you confused but soon caught on to the motion due to the enthusiastic and pleading look you had on your face. He chuckled before returning your high five. "Oh yeah! Dream team" you shouted with the goofiest victory that he had ever seen causing him to laugh more, a little more uncontrollably then last time. You stopped to admire the fact that he was laughing as he doesn't do so often, a smile crept on your face and your heart began to beat faster. Soon enough Shouto realised you were staring and ceased his laughing with a slight blush dusting his cheeks. He raised his head so his eyes would match your gaze. Suddenly you became aware you were staring causing you to blush as well while looking away and clearing your throat. But when you looked back you found Shouto's eyes still fixed on you while a sweet strawberry scent filled the air. By now you could tell it was Shouto's pheromones, the scent which you loved so much.

Shouto's Pov:

Unintentionally I found myself releasing my scent into the room after catching (y/n) staring at me. I don't know why but for some reason, I wanted her to keep staring at me, I wanted to be closer to her, to hold her, to protect her. I could tell she noticed because soon enough I could sense her scent in the atmosphere, it was sweet like honey with a hint of vanilla. As both our scents combined into one the room began to feel hotter and I found myself slowly walking towards (y/n). In this moment, she's all I want.

Y/N's Pov

The scent in the air became intoxicating, our scents combining was sending my sense into over drive. I felt a sudden urge to be with Shouto, as if I desperately needed him to survive. We both were ,at this point, centremetres away from each others face and I felt like I was drowning in his eyes. His hand went up to caress my face and I leaned into his embrace. It was warm I felt safe. " (y/n) I - *knock *knock "(y/n), it's Momo. Is anyone there?".

Coming back to reality we both sprung apart realising the position we were in. I felt the heat rush to my face and I turned away out of embarrassment. "Um, I'll go let her in. Could you, um, start cleaning up?" my voice was shaking even though I tried my best to sound calm. "Yeah, sure". His reply seemed kind of sad, and disappointed? But I decided to brush it off, there's no way I can start getting into something after just getting out of a relationship. It was just a thing in the moment that's all. Nothing more. Trying desperately to convince myself of that fact I went to let Momo in.

"Hiya (y/n), she stepped into the bakery giving me a  hug. "How are you?". " oh I'm okay" she frowned a little " (y/n), I heard about the whole Izuku situation. How are you actually?" I sighed knowing there was no getting out of this. " To be honest it still hurts a lot, we were together for so long and-" I caught myself from rambling as I felt myself tearing up and the upset flooding back. I bit my lip in an attempt to force us back down. "Anyway, something has been able to distract me and get me back on my feet so, I'm doing better then I was" a half genuine half forced smile etched it's way into my face as I attempted to close the topic. I could tell Momo caught the drift as her eyebrows furrowed before her soft smile returned to her face. "Would that something happen to be a someone?" she winked wiggling her eyebrows at me. My eyes widened at the question "huuuh what are you talking about?" "(Y/n), your blushing" she giggled. "Stop being silly, no I'm not" instinctively bringing my hands to my cheeks. Why am I blushing?.

Shouto's Pov:

What was i thinking? I can't just tell her. My mind was all over the place as I attempted to clean the kitchen. I'll just do the dishes. I could hear muffled mumbling from the front but not clear enough to make out what they're saying . She probably thinks I'm weird, I don't want to rush her into anything. "Maybe I should distance myself?" "Shouto!" I jumped a little at the sudden call. "Can you help me carry the cake and put it into the box please?" "Um sure" putting the bowl down and drying my hand I lifted the cake. "Shoutooo I'm mean to help to too" "oh" I said while placing the cake down into the box. "Never mind, let me get the ribbon".

3rd Person Pov

"Oh, so you must be Todoroki" Momo said with a warming smile. "Nice to meet you" Todoroki simply "no need for formalities, a friend of (y/n) is a friend of mine. So are you the person who's been taking care of (y/n)" she smiled hoping to get more information on this mystery person (y/n) was talking about earlier. "Oh, well I did pop into her house yesterday to check on her, I bought her ice cream and I've been with her all day today as well" shouto answered innocently unaware of her other intentions. "Interesting" Momo raised a brow. "What's interesting?" (Y/n) questioned bring the ribbon and proceeding to close the box and tie it up. "Oh nothing I was just asking Shouto if he had any skills in baking is all" she waved her hand dismissing the topic quickly. "Oh right" you replied not entire convinced. "Well he is pretty amazing" your eyes widened as you realised the words that just came out your mouth. Did I really just say that out loud? Shouto had a slight blush on his face but tried to hide it by turning to the side. "Indeed, well I'll be off, and thank you for the cake (y/n) it's marvellous. Cheerio you too" and with that she left smiling with the cake box in her hand.

"Well that was more stressful then I imagined" you sighed leaning back onto the counter. "How about I treat you to dinner? It's the least I can do for the help you gave me today. And I'm a pretty mean chef" at first Shouto was unsure, considering what had occurred in the kitchen not long before. But then again you seemed fine so he decided dinner would hurt. "Okay". "Well then" grabbing your coat keys and phone " you close up and I'll quickly go to the market for ingredients considering I've been living off of packaged ramen this whole time" you nervously laughed " meet you at mine for around 6?" "Alright" todoroki agreed and you headed off.

Shouto's Pov:

Dinner huh? I guess it'll be fine. I wonder what ingredients she'll buy- My train of thought was cut short when I noticed the turquoise purse laying on the counter. I face palmed. She forgot her purse. Of course. I grabbed the purse quickly cleaned up any leftover mess, grabbed my coat and locked up. I headed for the market. Maybe we can just shop together, then we can both cook for each other.

Your Pov

I got off the bus and was heading into the market. " let me just check how much money I have because that will be the deciding factor on what I'm cooki-what the. Where's my purse" there's no way I left in on the bus I didn't go in my bag at all, and it can't be stolen no one was next to me and my bag is always in my lap. So that means "ah I must've left in in the bakery" I did a full 180 (A/N *see what I did there😂) and walked back towards the bus stations dunking for my phone in my purse before I bumped into someone's back. "Ow,uh I'm sorry sir-" as I looked up my eyes widened when my gaze matched theirs.


Hiiiiii, so because I rarely update and oh know corona and isolation do all of a sudden I have a moutntain of time on my hands I decided to give you guys this chapter which is a lot longer than the last one so I feel like it makes up for my absence lol. But then again, there's a possibility of you hating me for this chapter heh. Anyway idk when I'll be posting again but uno IT IS WHAT IT ISSS. Oh I changed my tik tok username to me.emani btw incase anyone wanted to watch me make a fool of myself 😁. Anyway that's all from me byyyyeeeee

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