sixty one

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For the past four days, Alondra has been dragging Jordan around wherever her family was taking her, so they both got to experience Aguascalientes

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For the past four days, Alondra has been dragging Jordan around wherever her family was taking her, so they both got to experience Aguascalientes. The city in itself was beautiful, especially the main plaza that all the tourists went. They revisited the Jardin de San Marcos, because Alondra wanted to show everything to Jordan, and then found waterfalls to hike to.  Even Teresa went, which made Alondra very happy because while her mom was extremely involved in her life, she also worked several jobs and usually couldn't do many of the time consuming family bonding activities, which is part of the reason why the three siblings were so close. 

Of course, Alondra took pictures while on the trail, and of the waterfall when they finally got to it.  And since Jordan was there, they didn't have to ask some random stranger to take their family picture. By far, Alondra's favorite photos were of Antonio pushing Marcos, who then got pushed by Alondra, who then got pushed by Teresa. The series of photos started with an off-guard one of them all getting ready for the picture, to them all pushing each other, to Teresa smiling and posing by herself with her kids and the waterfall behind her. Since Jordan was "fancy", he had a waterproof case on his phone, so he and Alondra took pictures under the water and even behind the actual waterfall.

Pictures were being taken throughout their whole trip, but currently, Alondra was floating around on her back while Jordan swam beside her.  "I feel like I laugh like a guy sometimes."

She couldn't see him because her head was facing up and her eyes were closed because of the sun, but Jordan nodded his head.  "True."

Alondra gasped and splashed him with water without hesitation.  "You're supposed to say no, puto.  No mames."  Shaking her head, Alondra turned to swim away from him and over to her brothers, but was stopped when Jordan wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I'm just kidding! Your laugh is beautiful." Jordan said, trying to get out of the potential trouble Alondra would get him in. "You do laugh really loud sometimes though."

Again, not liking his response, Alondra splashed Jordan and tried swimming away. "Marcos, Tonio, ayúdame por fa!"

"No, you're far!" Antonio yelled across the water, him and Marcos sitting peacefully on a big rock just a few feet away from the actual falling water.

Turning her head back to Jordan, who still had his arms wrapped around her waist, Alondra scrunched up her face and threatened, "I'll throw a fish at you, Baker."

"You can't even catch a fish."

"Wanna bet, rich boy?"

× × ×

When it was finally New Year's Eve, it was exciting and yet bittersweet.  In a few days, Jordan would be leaving to spend the last week with his friends, and in a week, Alondra would be going back to the states.  However, she was excited to spend it with her family, happy that not a New Years has gone by without them in her life.  "Ama, Antonio's trying to eat my grapes!"

"Tonio, déjala en paz. Hay comida allí."

Back in Crenshaw, Alondra's family and Spencer usually spent the night together, so lots of food and music weren't new to Alondra.  However, it was the same, times three, with how much more family Alondra now knew and was celebrating with. Taking a seat on the couch beside Jordan, with her brothers no longer bugging her, Alondra asked, "So how are you liking the non-resort part of Mexico?"

Jordan threw an arm on the back of the couch, when she sat, and cheekily smiled as he said, "I like everywhere if you're there."

"Ugh, gross." Alondra said with a gag and eye roll. "You're lucky I like you or I would've walked away already."

"Actually, you walking away might be better for me."

Immediately understanding what he was implying, Alondra scooted away and swung her arm to punch his shoulder.  "I hate you, you perv." Alondra said to him. "I'm gonna go sit under the table now, leave me alone."

With much said after, Alondra grabbed her grapes and ran from the couch to the kitchen. What she didn't see was Jordan getting up and walking to follow her. Now, there was only two minutes until midnight and the ball drop, so everyone was crowding around close enough to hear the TV.

"So are we supposed to kiss under the table or something?" Jordan asked as he slowly lowered himself to the floor in front of the table.

"No kissing! Boys have cooties." One of Alondra's cousin said, also under the table because she thought it looked fun.

"No creo que necesitas suerte en amor." One of her teenage cousins said, looking at Jordan.

Ever since he came, he's basically been following Alondra around like a puppy, showing the family just how much he was attached to her. Even now, he was sticking half of his body under the table just to sit next to her and hold her hand. "Podría usar toda la suerte que pueda obtener."

From the family members in the living room, everyone under the table was able to hear how there was now a 60 second countdown. "So what do the grapes and table do?" Jordan asked quietly, trying to keep the conversation private.

"The grapes are for luck in general, and the table is supposed to help your love life." Alondra explained. "And you're a handful, so I'm trying to get all the luck I can."

"I am not a handful." Jordan defended, with 30 seconds left of the year.

Alondra didn't say anything else, but she did hum to herself because she and Jordan clearly had different opinions. Now, while Jordan didn't understand Spanish like Spencer did, he definitely knew numbers, more specifically up to 20. When the family in the living room started counting down from ten, he knew what was going on, and it was probably the first time he understood everything they were saying.

Cinco. Cuatro. Tres. Dos.

On one, Jordan gently grabbed Alondra's chin to turn her head and leaned in for his New Year's kiss. The two were blocking out the sounds of everyone cheering, popping confetti, and someone making the music even louder than it already was.

By the time to two pulled away, everyone had already moved out from under the table and the TV was off, so only the music was playing.  "Jordan, you messed up my grape ritual!"

idk why this chapter was so hard for me to write😭 i literally started this right after i published the last chapter and was stuck ever since

idk why this chapter was so hard for me to write😭 i literally started this right after i published the last chapter and was stuck ever since

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