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Spencer ended up coming to Shawn's apartment, Alondra and Coop inside of it, and having a quick conversation with him before leaving. The three were actually about to leave and go to Beverly Hills because Alondra texted Olivia to make sure she was okay, and she replied back by saying that she met someone and was hanging out with them. Alondra just told her that she'd be getting a ride from one of her Crenshaw friends, plus Coop and Shawn wanted to see the new house she was staying in.

"Damn, this your new place?"  Coop asked, watching the house as they rolled up in the driveway.  "How many rooms are there?"

Alondra shrugged and Shawn slowly pulled the car to a stop.  "Like 8, I think.  So there's 3 room left, a pool house, a game room and a pool."  She explained.  "Wanna come in?"

"Uh, you sure that's a good idea?  I mean, they're white, we're not."

"It's not like I listen to them anyways, and what's he gonna do?  Kick me out?"  Alondra laughed and got out of the car, Coop and Shawn slowly following behind her to raise any suspicion.  However, their outfits probably weren't helping the situation.  When the front door opened, everyone looked over and expected to see just Alondra, but when they saw Coop and Shawn, they were confused. "This is Coop and Shawn, my best friends from Crenshaw. Guys, this is Armando, Rachel, Madison, Lily, and- where's Ruben?"

"I was making a sandwich." The 15-year-old said from behind the trio, his mouth full of food with a plate holding the other half of his sandwich and a stack of chips. "Sup, how was the party?"

The group of friends all look towards each other, not sure if they should bring up the fact that somebody died and it ended early or not. "Uh, my friends our alive." Alondra shrugged.

"It was fun."

"Someone died, so everyone dipped." They all spoke at once, but everyone looked towards Coop when she spoke. "Was I not supposed to say—it's gonna be on the news anyways."

The Beverly-Cisneros family stayed silent, none of them really knowing how to respond, especially Lily. "Sounds more fun that what happened here." Ruben said from beside Alondra.

His family was kind of surprised, not expecting for that to be his reaction to something so gruesome. "Well, I'm gonna show them around."  Armando, Rachel and Madison watched the trio in suspicion while Lily continued to try and finish a puzzle and Ruben sat on the couch with his plate of food on his lap.

"This a lot of space for a couple people." Coop commented, her and Shawn following Alondra to the kitchen. "Do you get your own part of the house or something? And where's the pool?"

Alondra handed them waters, then led them outside, past the fireplace on the porch to look at the pool—rather than walking down the stairs. There were sensors in it that turned on the lights inside of the water, because they were bougie like that, so Coop and Shawn could perfectly see it.

They all moved to the outside couch and sat down in front of the fireplace. "Did you tell them about you family?"

Alondra let out a sigh and nodded. "Armando says he doesn't want me to go because I'd be skipping school, but I think he just doesn't want me to see them." She explained. "I'm taking a bus before school and they're supposed to get picked up before  or around noon, so I'll come back around that time."

"Wait, so you only have like an hour to spend with them?"

"Pretty much.  And I'm bring them some of their stuff so they aren't empty-handed in Mexico, so if they check bags, it might be less."  Alondra explained.

"Alo, you ain't gotta to go alone.  I could come pick you up and take you.  Give you a little more time with them and save you money."  Shawn offered.  "And I only got 2 absences, so I won't even get in trouble."

"Wait, don't you have your license?"

"Yeah, but I don't have a car. They took Marcos' because he wouldn't be able to pay it anymore, and my mom's engine is all messed up in the garage." She stated. "I don't want to be driving it when the brakes decide to stop working."

Coop and Shawn nodded, both understanding why she wasn't drive around her mom's old Impala.  "That's a nice ass car too."  Coop commented.

Shawn agreed and had his head back against the couch.  "Yeah, I remember I spilled ice cream in the back seat."

"Yeah, and I still don't know how the hell you did that.  We weren't even moving, we were at a stop light."

"Man, I was like 8.  Leave me alone."

came to the realization that Alondra and her family are the only latinos in the story, soooo... heheheheh 😈 anyways

 heheheheh 😈 anyways

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