twenty three

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Wednesday morning, before anyone was even ready to leave, Alondra waved to Lily and Ruben in the dining room with 3 large suitcases.  "Wait, where you going?"  Lily asked with a pout. 

Ruben, noticing the struggle, grabbed the two largest bags.  "I have to visit my family.  They're getting sent back Mexico and they won't be able to come back for a few years."  She explained, trying to make it understandable for the 7-year-old.

"How come?"

"Because the government hates Mexican immigrants even if they pay taxes, never get in trouble and worker harder than most of the US citizens." Alondra ranted. "They're just mean.". Lily pursed her face before she starting running towards the stairs, Alondra and Ruben watching her. "You can just put them outside. Shawn said he was down the street."

Ruben nodded and they both walked out. "Dad know you're ditching school?"

"No, but he knows I wasn't gonna let my family leave without a final goodbye."  As if he was waiting for the conversation to end, Shawn pulled through the now open gates. 

Before they could start putting the bags in the trunk, Lily ran out with her bunny house slippers on.  "Can you give this to your mom?  It helps me when I'm sad, and I think she might be sad when she leaves you."  Lily held up a stuffed Winnie the Pooh, offering it to Alondra.

Alondra slowly grabbed the bear, looking at Lily with soft eyes.  "Are you sure?"  Lily nodded, knowing she had a bunch of other stuffed animals to turn to if she needed it.  "Thank you, Lil."

Lily smiled and nodded her head, feeling very accomplished of her good deed.  "And give her big hugs!" 

Ruben smiled over at the scene as he loaded the last suitcase into the car.  "I'll cover for you and say one of your cheer friends took you to breakfast.  It'll give you enough time before they realized you're not at school."  He shrugged, and Lily nodded in agreement to the plan.

"Thanks, Rubes.  I'll see you guys after school."  Alondra hugged the two and got into the passenger seat.  "You know where to go, right?"

Shawn nodded and put the car in drive while Alondra waved out the window.  "Yeah, you sent the address 5 times last night, and we're just staying on the freeway the whole time."  He explained.  "You eat yet?  'cause we can go through a drive-thru real quick."

"Yeah, I'll pay."  Shawn sent Alondra a looked, and glanced at her rummaging through her bag for her wallet.  "What?  I stole Armando's card yesterday to go shopping and then took out $200 for myself."

× × ×

The drive down to basically the border took forever, especially with LA and San Diego traffic, but they finally made it.  All the bags were easily brought into the room where everyone was meeting up with their family, but it was kind of like the airport where they made sure you had nothing on you.  Alondra felt like she was waiting in a prison with the ceiling high fence and cold metal table, but when her family came out, she ran towards them and jumped on the closest one, which happened to be Marcos, her oldest brother.  Then her mom, then Antonio.

"Are you guys okay?"  Alondra basically clung to Antonio, but when they sat down, she was almost sitting on her mom.  For about an hour, they talked about everything and anything.  Alondra talked about how she was adjusting to Beverly, her new cheer team, and her younger siblings.  "I don't hate them because they didn't do anything, but I like you guys more."

"Yeah, because you can punch us without getting in trouble."  Antonio commented.

"Everyone punches you."  Marcos replied, following through by punching his shoulder.

"Hey, no fighting."  Teresa demanded, letting go of Alondra to slap the two.  "We're spending time with your sister."  Alondra nodded and put her head on her mom's shoulder while she wrapped her arms around Alondra again. 

Antonio then went on to describe what they were going to do in Mexico, such as where they were moving and their plan to basically create a living.  So far, they were planning on moving back to Aguascalientes and living in a small apartment until they had enough money to get a house.  They still had a lot of family, and one of Alondra's uncles said there was one job opening at the company he worked at.

Their bank accounts still had their savings and money from their last paychecks, so they weren't entirely broke and since the currency in Mexico was less than the US currency, they had more money than they did in America.  "The buses have arrived, we'll be boarding shortly."  A man said over the speaker.

"Wait, what?  I'm not ready yet."

Teresa, Antonio and Marcos all looked at Alondra, who was now holding tighter onto her mom. "It's okay, mija."

"No it's not. You guys did nothing wrong." Alondra watched with sad and scared eyes as Antonio and Marcos started standing, so before it was too late, she got up to hug them some more. "I don't want you guys to go."

"No queremos ir tampoco, sirenita." Marcos said into the hug. "You don't need us to succeed. We got you far enough so you could do it on your own. Don't worry about us."

"Yeah, and we can FaceTime you every single day." Antonio said, pulling Alondra into a hug after she let go of Marcos. The two stood there for a while, trying to hug each other as tight as they could while Teresa and Marcos were grabbing their bags.

Alondra turned around to Teresa, and went back to hugging her. "I'm so proud of, mija. Eres tan hermosa y fuerte y inteligente." Teresa spoke into the hug. "Te quiero muchísimo."

"Te quiero, ama." Teresa coo'd and squeezed Alondra as they both silently cried into each other's shoulders. Marcos and Antonio saw the two, then joined the hug. "Los voy a extrañar."

"Ma'am, it's time to go." One of the guards said, pulling on Teresa's arms while she was still hugging Alondra. Teresa, Marcos and Antonio reluctantly pulled away and slowly started walking through the gates with all the stuff Alondra brought them.

"Los quiero mucho, cuídate por favor." Alondra said from behind the fence. "I'll come visit you guys every chance I get and I'll send you guys pictures and call you everyday." She sobbed.

"No llores, sirenita. Tu tiara se caerá." Marcos smiled sadly, making her lift her head so she could look at him.

"This isn't goodbye forever. We're gonna see you again." Antonio nodded. Alondra gripped the fence and watched as the officers pushed her family towards the exit to get into the buses. She stood there alone, breaking down because she'd never felt that way before.

i have no words bc now im sad.  also, fuck hulu for taking party of five off the site 😔 and if u cant afford hulu, netflix, hbo, etc, there's a free app called watched that has all the shows, including the og shows that are specific to that site :)

  also, fuck hulu for taking party of five off the site 😔 and if u cant afford hulu, netflix, hbo, etc, there's a free app called watched that has all the shows, including the og shows that are specific to that site :)

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