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Memories that remain

It's hard not to fret

Though I thought I'd learned

How to not get upset

If we could go back in time

I wouldn't hesitate

Despite the pain it's caused me

I'd play the hands of fate

And do it all again

I've been working really hard,

Sometimes I get beaten by a step

In the search of who I used to be,

In the attempt to catch my breath

But I still believe that happiness exists

Somewhere else than in dreams

For there was happiness

When you were next to me

You see, Love gives you pleasure

And Love brings you pain

And yet though you are gone

Love will still remain

And if you only saw Lily today

Our precious little girl,

The beauty she's growing into,

And all the life that she's yet to swirl

She never fails to make me smile

The days I can't get through.

And she makes me so happy

She looks just like you

But even on the good days she brings

There is a little part of me

That will always be a little bit sad

And a little bit lonely

But even on bad days,

There's that little part of me

That will always be a little bit grateful

A little bit innocent

And a little hopeful

For the sake of our daughter,

I tried to be strong at all cost

And I took on to myself

For the life my lover lost

Once upon another time

Our story had only begun

Now your time is over

And somehow our story is done

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