chapter two

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i took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

y/n's pov

"trevor! could you get that?!" callie yelled from the top of the house.

"yeah, yeah," i heard trevor mutter from beyond the door.

i felt my heart beat faster and faster as i heard the doorknob rattle.

oh shit. here come the anxiety shits. this was a bad idea. but like.....trevor. ugh brain shut up, you're stressing me out-

"hi." i smiled. he just stood there.

"y/n? holy crap, is that you? what are you doing here?" trevor's lips tugging into a smile as he walked outside and lifted me up into a hug, spinning me in circles. i couldn't help but laugh while i placed my forehead on his, my hands resting on his cheeks. trevor finally put me down.

"your mom invited me. she said you've been feeling depressed and angsty so she wanted to bring me over to make your summer not so shitty," i gently punched his arm.

"oh, hi, y/n. how was your trip here? was it good?" callie asked while trevor grabbed my suitcase.

"it was perfect. i couldn't wait to get here!" i hugged her and followed them through the house. trevor showed me to his room, placing my luggage by his dresser. i threw myself on his bed, trevor following my action.

"so, what has happened? how's phoebe? speaking of which, where is she?" i asked while propping myself up in my elbows.

"she's at summer school. but to answer your previous question, i got a job," trevor said while giving me a snarky smirk.

"who on earth would hire you? you're literally the most stupid person ever. wait. why would you get a job during summer?" i asked with the most confused look on my face.

"i don't know. there were a bunch of teens around my age working there, so i thought maybe i could make some friends there. speaking of which, i have to get going," trevor groaned while getting up and trading his pj bottoms for jeans. he kept his shirt and walked over to me. "could you do me a favour?"

"sure, what's up, buttercup?" i gave him a goofy smile. trevor returned the smile and pulled me up by my hands into a hug. he slightly pulled back to look me in the eyes.

"could you walk phoebe home from school? she'll be excited to see you. honestly, your all she talks about. she's always like what did you and y/n talk about? can i talk to her? y/n this y/n that it's kind of annoying."

i could help but laugh. the thought of the two fighting to see who gets to talk to me made me smile. "i'd love to pick her up. i love hearing her jokes. pretty good stuff-"

"don't encourage her," trevor cut me off. i smiled and roll my eyes while we walked out. we walked over to the diner where trevor works. "this is my stop. to get to the school, just go down this street and take a left, then go straight. if you get lost, which, by the way, please don't, just call me. okay?" he looks me in the eyes. i just got lost in them, slightly losing focus, but i think i can make my way without getting lost.

"yeah. got it. what time will you get home?" i asked.

"i get off early today, i think around five-ish," i nodded and smiled at the thought of spending time with trevor.

"alright, i'll see you then." just as i was about to leave, trevor pulled me into a hug and place a kiss on my forehead. i felt my face heat up as i just std there, staring at him.

"are you just going to stand in the middle of the street or..." trevor smiled while walking to the diner.

"right," i muttered to myself. "don't slack off, loser!" i called out while waving. i could see him shaking his head as he entered the diner.

now was my journey to phoebe's school. ugh, i couldn't wait to see that cutie! i happily made my way to her school. as i was about to enter, something caught my eye. there was a teacher (i assume he's a teacher) and two kids.

"phoebe?" i asked while slowly heading towards them.

"y/n! is that you?" she cheered while running towards you, pulling you down into a hug.

"hey, kiddo," i tightly hug her back.

"what are you doing here?" she asked. i told her i'd explain at home and that i was here to pick her up.

"so, what's going on here?" i asked. the teacher, who's name was mr. gooberson, explained how phoebe found a gist catchier in her living room floor.

"oh, like the 1984 new york ghost stories?" i asked while some kid who goes by "podcast" handed me a pair of safety goggles.

"exactly! i've always wanted to do this!" he cheered while gently stepping on a peddle.


he started to aggressively step on the peddle multiple times. he started to slowly move closer to the device.

"umm, be careful!" i called out from inside the bus. just as his hand was about to touch the trap, a beam of dark red smoke flew out and formed a demon-like dog thing. without waiting a second, the creature swiftly rushed past us, causing the windows to shatter.

"soooo, we just let out a demon into the town."

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