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It was christmas tomorrow and Tommy hadn't bought any presents for Ranboo. And unfortunatly for him, Ranbo stayed with Tommy that night. They were going to watch christmas films together untill thyey fall asleep.

It seems cute and all but not when you realise you don't have a gift for the other. Tommy was freacking out, "What do I do, what do I do?" he kept saying. He had multiple options. Number 1, tell Ranboo that he can't come today and that he'll have to wait untill tomorrow. But he couldn't do that to Ran, so that option was already crossed out. Number 2, ask his parents to buy something with his own money. That would we a good option. Number 3. He quickly goes to the shop and buy's something for Ranboo and on the way back he could buy some food so that it will look like he just went out to buy some food. Mehh.

Tommy was deciding wether it was going to be number 2 or 3. While he was pacing around the house, his parents came through the front door. 'Number 2' Tommy thought.

"Tom? Why are you walking like that?" His mother asked when she put down her bags. "Well, mother, you look rather stunning, did you go the nail salon?" Tommy said in order to get his mothers attention.

"Yes I did. How did you know? And what do you want from me?" His mother said with a stern look. So Tommy began rambling. "So Ranboo is coming over today but I don't have any gifts for him and it's christmas tomorrow so I thought that maybe you and father could go out and buy a gift for him while I wait for his arrival and-," "Ho, ho, ho, Tommy calm down. You want us to buy a gift for him?" His father asked when he walked through the front door.

"Yes that is exactly what I am asking you to do. Can you?" Tommy asked a bit out of breath. "Well, uhh, unfortunatly we can't because we uhh-" his mother said acting a bit of. "Yeah we uh," his father continued. "We are going to visit your grandparents! So we won't be here for the weekend," his father finally figured out.

"Wha- you could've told me! Well okay then," Tommy said dissapointed with his answer. "Jup, so that you and Ranboo can have a weekend to yourselves. Isn't that fun!" His mother said sounding less nervous.

"Yeah but not to much fun ofcourse," his dad mumbled loud enough for Tommy to hear. "DAd! Wha-, no-, that's not-, whatever," Tommy cheeks burned up.

"I'm just messing with you! We will be going now. See you on monday," his father said and walked out again. His mother walked over to him and leaned Tommy down so she could kiss him on his head. "Bye Tom," And she walked out of the door to.

'Well, now I just need to buy it myself' Tommy said walking to the door but freezing when he hears the bell. He opens the door and froze. Ranboo stood there with a big smile. "Hello Toms," he said and walked through the door. He put his stuff in the living room and saw that Tommy was still standing there. "Tommy?" "Oh yeah sorry, zoned out," Tommy said and turned around to face him. But once he saw his face again he smiked and walked up to him.

Ranboo grinned and opened his arms. Tommy walked right into them and smiled even bigger. "Hey Boo, missed you," he said. Ranboo laughed at that and said, "Hey Toms, missed you to," and kissed his head.

"Where are your parents?" Ranboo asked looking around. "Well, uhh, they went to my grandparents house, I didn't know, they just told me actually," Tommy said.

"Oh, well I don't think that that's a problem, do you?" Tommy shaked his head.
Ranboo removed his arms from around Tommy and picked his stuff up. "Where should I put these?" "Oh, just in my room i'll lead you to it," Tommy said and walked upstairs.

(The next morning)

Tommy was the first one to wake up. Unfortunatly for him, he needed to use the loo. He was laying on top of Ranboo so he needed to be carefull. When he tried to move he saw that Ranboo stirred and he opened his eyes. Tommy closed them and laid on Ranboo's chest again. "Goodmornin' Boo," Tommy said but it was muffled by Ranboo's shirt. "Goodmoring Toms and also merry christmas," Ranboo said, yawning after he said it.

"Happy christmas," Tommy said after and Ranboo grinned. "I need to pee," Ranboo laughed at this and Tommy just hugged him more. "Tommy I don't you peeing on me," Ranboo said pushing Tommy a bit.

"What? Can't I just hug you?" Tommy put his chin on Ranboo's chest so he could look at him. "Ofcourse you can but not when you need to go to the toilet," Tommy groaned and got off of him. "Finee," he said and walked to the bathroom.


When he got out he saw Ranboo looking at his phone. He smiled and got up. He walked over to Tommy and kissed him. Tommy smiled in the kiss and they both moved away. "Do you want to go downstairs? And open our presents," Ranboo asked.

"Well, about that," Tommy started. "I, uhh, didn't get you anything. Because I didn't have time and I-," but he was cut off by Ranboo who kissed him again. "I know you didn't get me anything. Your parents told me."

Tommy wided his eyes and his cheeks got red. Ranboo laughed, grabbed his hand and walked downstairs.


When almosr all the presents were opened Tommy sighed and looked at Ranboo. "You litteraly got me SO much and I didn't even give you one thing," Tommy pouted and looked at his hands in his lap.

"Tommy," Ranboo said and moved over so thst he could grab his hands. "The fact that I am here with you is the best present anyone could ask for. Please don't be upset," Tommy looked up and smiled at Ranboo.

"That's really nice, and you didn't have to give me all of these," he said pointing to the gifts. "That doesn't matter for now," Ranboo said and smiled.

Ranboo stood up and grabbed the new speaker Tommy got. He connected his phone to it and put on a song. He picked Tommy up and put him in front of him. Tommy put his hands around Ranboo's shoulders and Ranboo put his on Tommy's waist.

"Happy christmas Tommy,"

"Merry christmas Ranboo,"

And they listened to the song.

'Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones,'
'Turn into something beautiful,'
'You know, you know I love you so,'
'You know I love you so,'

HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I know its a bit late but that doesnt matter. I haven't been posting a lot but I think i'll write some more. Thank you all so much for 3.6k and i'll already wish you a happy new year!


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