C.H.A.P.T.E.R 11

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Warning ⚠
A very long chapter with 2494 words, please enjoy your read


After several minutes of complete silence, Evelyn calmed down a little she knows there was no meaning in feeling angry or upset at this point.

What she truly needs is to be calm and compsed in order to get out of this circumstances. Taking a deep breath for what feels like the ninth time that night, she carefully untangled the crumpled page and brought it up to read it.

Reading carefully thought the text, she examined what was written word by word. Then she moved to the pictures, seen as whoever wrote that article did a good job in painting her guilty.

Reading the article for the third time, she finally had a good enough idea from where to start. Looking up from the magazine, she set it again on the table, and turned to the worried eyes that watched her carefully thought-out the whole situation.

She didn't need to explain herself, first of all it's her problem and she had no intention of having others in the mix. Secondly, she's more than able to take care of herself yes she did has her own faire share of ups and downs but that doesn't render her useless.

Thus, with no more thoughts she told Mr and Mrs Higgins not to worry about her and that she will solve it on her own, still worried Mrs Higgins didn't let her go before she promised her to turn to them for help if things ever escalated to a more bad situations than now.

Getting back to the guest room she's situated in for now. She pulled out a small notebook and a pen and started to study the situation more carefully.

To start with, she needs the law cover if things turns out ugly at least she'll have her back coved, so she wrote the first thing she needs to do to solve this predicament and that is to hire a lawyer first thing.

Then, looking back at the photos she knows with only her words no one is going to believe her, in this case she needs the help of an expert to prove that she was not the woman in the pictures. Therefore, she wrote next that she needs a good photographer an expert one to examine the photos and find the difference between her and the woman in the pictures.

Furthermore, these may turn out useless if there was no crowd to be delivered to so she needs to hire a water army to diffuse the information.

Lastly, these all are fruitless efforts if she couldn't maintain the news for long to get as much audience as possible. She knows that money is this case are useless since her husband has more than enough to suppress her efforts the moment she make her move, and thus she needs someone who can beat him in his own game.

Knowing her current finance is not enough to stand up against her wealthy husband, and she can't turn for Mr Higgins to lend her some.

She thought carefully, what she needs is someone who is not afraid of her husband or doing something shady and can't be caught easily, she needs a hacker to do the dirty work and what a coincidence she knows the perfect one to do the job.

Also she'll need some extra cash on her if she wants everything to turn out right. She'll need that extra money if she wants to dig out some dirth on the matter.

After planning all her moves, and considers her husband's possible actions. She folded everything and settled down in her bed. After all she'll need every second of rest she could get right now for what will be waiting for her once she wake up.


In The Morning

The next morning, Evelyn woke up early and prepared herself as best as she sees suitable since she'll need a strong impression to help her get what she planned to do be done.

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