Chapter 3

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As  she walked aimlessly through the busy streets, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety creeping up on her. The sounds of car horns blaring and people shouting were overwhelming, and the scent of exhaust fumes mixed with the aroma of street food made her feel nauseous even though she didn't have a real meal since breakfast.

Finally, after a long walk she found herself in an some unknown park. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. She collapsed on a deserted bench, and as she sat there, her thoughts turned to what had happened earlier that day. She tried hard to understand why it had happened, but the more she thought about it, the more confused and hurt she became.

When did things change?

Apparently, it was all normal, or at least as normal as it could be until a month ago when he brought his daughter from his mistress into live with them.

That was the beginning of the end. Accidents started to happen, and with each one passing, they became more severe than the one before, and her husband's treatment towards her became more brutal.

Back in the early years of their marriage, she still loved him dearly. She tried realy hard to obtain her husband's love and satisfy him as a virtuous wife.

To please him, she tried to perfect her skills by hiring many professionals in different fields, from cooking to painting and musical plays, all for the sole purpose of her husband's enjoyment. She would even study business and management, as she had inherited her father's company, and the least she could do to honor him was by leading it well as it had before her husband took it away.

She studied hard and practiced well, and even her tutors were shocked at the speed of her learning and how mature her skills were. They sang praises and begged her to change her way of thinking and maybe choose one of these skills as a profession. But she thought nothing of it and took it as them being polite and cheering her on to be more confident about herself. She brushed away the topic each time they brought it up, thinking that the oldies were just trying to be nice.

However, even with all her efforts, her husband's treatment towards her did not change. His abuse of her started to lessen once he started to have several affairs outside of their marriage. Bit by bit, she started to see him less and less around the house as he continued to indulge himself more and more in the world of pleasure.

Not to lie, she felt relieved that she was able to avoid him and no longer had to be subjected to his abuse.

You may ask: why didn't she use her skills? How could she when her husband was absent all the time? If he wasn't working, he had a business trip, and if he wasn't on a business trip, he was with one of his flings fooling around.

As time passed by, so did the love she once had for him. She wanted to give up this marriage so many times to just leave this pit of hell. But these were wishful thinking.

Back then, when she still had someone who cared about her, they tried hard to talk her out of this marriage the moment they knew about her husband's mistreatment to her, they tried to relieve her from her pain. But once words got to her husband, they all ended up miserable, then her.

Her once personal assistant was sent to do labor work at the factory. Her gentle maid, who took great care of her for many years, was married off to the countryside to a seventy-something old man that abused her constantly until she couldn't bear the humiliation anymore and decided to take her life.

How did she about all of this ?

She knew about all these things because her husband himself had told her.

Apparently, he took great pleasure in tormenting her, not only physically but also emotionally, as he smiled widely each time he told her how he punished or tortured those who were close to her. She couldn't help but feel a mix of sadness, anger, and disgust as she listened to his sick stories.

As she would sit there listening to her husband's twisted tales, memories of happier times would flood her mind. Remembering when they first met and how he had seemed like the perfect gentleman, kind, and loving.

She wondered how she had missed the signs that he was capable of such cruelty. She couldn't help but blame herself for not seeing through his facade earlier.

Her husband's misdeeds were not just a means of tormenting her but also a way of threatening her if she ever tried to leave or do anything out of line. He would not hesitate to destroy innocent lives if it meant keeping her under his control.

So she put up with his sick games, trying to look vicious and mean to please him.

As for the question of why he was keeping her around and what he wanted from her, she still had no answers. He had taken everything from her and left her feeling worthless and alone.

What would happen to her next? Only time would tell.


Well we'll see in the next chapters.

See you soon 😘😘😘

Stay safe and well dear friends

Have a good day

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