Boring, boring life.

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The golden doors slid open and I stepped out reluctantly into the lavishly decorated, spacious corridor. To my immediate left was the gold-handled glass doors of the cafeteria reserved for the level 3-ers only. In front of me, there were rows of highly polished wooden doors leading to classrooms lining the walls of the corridor.

Students milled around, some heading to the end of the corridor where the lockers were while some just stood around outside classrooms idly chit-chatting. At least, since most of them felt that yelling and speaking loudly was too undignified for their status, they spoke quietly, with only the occasional raised tones of the less reserved people. Walking forward, I eased my way past the inconsiderate students blocking the corridor and made my way to the lockers.

Suddenly, a arm shot out and shoved me into a wall. "Watch where you're going, bitch!" A loud voice demanded. I straightened up, slightly winded, and glared at whoever had pushed me. It was a large, chunky boy with pock marks dotting his face. I recognised him as a senior, the son of a boss of a leading stationary brand. He stared down at me with a smirk on his face. Clearly he thought he owned the world just because he was filthy rich.

"Oh, aren't you the heir of that stationary company? Well I'm sorry for bumping into you. Let me introduce myself, I'm Cristine Marksfield. Daughter of THE Dennis Marksfield." His small eyes widened and he quickly muttered an apology before scurrying off. As expected, not one of the students had even bothered to turn around to see the source of the commotion. Bullying was just too rampant here.

Sighing, I continued walking towards the lockers. I hated boasting about my family's name and status in society, but at times like this it was pretty useful. A small smirk crept onto my face when I recalled the flash of realisation and fear that had shot across his features earlier on after my self-introduction.

"Good morning Cristie! What's with that smile on your face?" A very familiar person stood waiting for me before my locker. I grinned at my best friend, Desiree, before recounting the incident that had occurred earlier as I twirled in the combination for the lock. She shook her head and tutted disapprovingly when I finished.

"Some idiots need to get a poker shoved up their-" I slammed my locker door shut, cutting off her words. "TMI, my dear. Let's hurry to class." We quickly strode to our classroom.

Entering it, only a few students looked up. I smiled at a few of my friends before walking to my table at the back of the room. Due to our incessant chatter when we were seated together, Desiree was seated further up the row. I took out my pencil box and the textbook for the first lesson, Biology, from my schoolbag and placed it on the floor. Flipping open my textbook, I begin reading through the lesson I knew the teacher would be teaching us today.

"Cristine! There's extra practice today after school. Remember to be punctual, or else you're screwed." My senior, Rosalie, slapped me on the back and informed me before strolling back to her seat. I was part of the school's String Ensemble, and Rosalie was the leader of my section. Our other leader, Jason, was a level 2-er. I rolled my eyes and grinned at her. She was one of my closest friends, but honestly she scared me a little. Her attitude, character and talent was pretty formidable, so not many dared to cross her.

"Sure, Rose. Good morning, by the way!" I raised my voice slightly. She just raised an eyebrow before continuing her conversation with her friends who were seated around her. I shook my head and continued studying.

"Is it me, or is it really cold out today?" The loud voice of my idiotic friend, Fred, broke through my concentration as he pulled out his seat next to me and plopped down, flinging his black canvas bag onto the floor. His shirt was creased and his hair ruffled, giving every appearance of him having just woken up not too long ago. He yawned mightily, stretching out in the wooden chair and confirming my suspicions.

"Did your alarm clock run out of battery again? Or did your butler forget to wake you up this time?" I teased, reaching out to smooth his messy hair down. He scowled and tugged at his crumpled white shirt before replying.

"Both this time. I would fire Jenkins if not for the fact that he's served my family for ages and my parents would throw a fit..." I smiled inwardly, knowing that he was too fond of his butler to do that. He'd been his butler since his was born, and he truly cared for Fred.

Just then, the teacher strode in. "Settle down class! Get back to your seats!" The students groaned and went back to their seats unwillingly, dragging their feet on the carpeted flooring of the classroom.

"Great. Just great. Biology first thing in the morning, when I'm still half asleep... and my eyebags are going to get worse I bet." The girl sitting on my other side, Stacey, muttered as she inspected her perfectly manicured nails. I inwardly face-palmed. She was the typical, straight-out-of-teenage-novel bimbo, with most of our conversations centred around clothes, nails, hair, fashion, magazines, etc. At least, since she spent most of her classes either sleeping or tending to her beauty needs, she was fairly quiet and I could concentrate on my classes without many distractions.

"Please take out your textbooks and flip to page 199. We will be learning about the circulatory system in today's lesson..." And another, typical, boring day of my life started.

***                            *****

Sorry about the slow update! Will try to update more regularly:/ Also, most of my updates will be pretty short since I don't really have the time to type out a lot. But I promise that if my updates are late, they'll be longer to make up for it!^^

I would like to say a big thank you to all my readers so far! Especially to my friends who have been supporting me and urging me to upload the next chapter. I love you guys! (By the way, any resemblance of the characters in the story to real-life people is purely coincidental /cough cough/ )

Thanks again, see you all next chapter!(:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2013 ⏰

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