baking a cake

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Tommy is upset and he is running away from something or better said from someone. Taylor, that girl everyone loves. The perfect daughter. The sweet sister. That stupid girl everyone thinks he is. "I'm sorry Taylor but this one is just for the boys and me" it isn't the fact that he isn't allowed to train, nor is it that his brothers got alone time with dad. It is that he isn't a boy. Tommy knows he isn't a girl he has known for quite some time. Well not actually, Tommy just thought he wasn't like the other girls. Not in a look at me, I'm better way but more in an I'm different way. It's not like he was. He grew up with Wilbur, Techno and Phil. He had been in a war for gods fucking sake. "You can go to Nikki and Hannah" Phil had suggested. Don't get him wrong the girls are lovely. He just felt so... so... "Taylor!" Tommy snapped out of his thoughts. Suddenly he realises where he is and that his eyes are wet. It was Niki who called, he had walked to the bakery. She calls again. This time he answers. "Hi Niki." She looks anxious "are you okay? You are late me and Hann- are you crying?" She looks him in the eyes somehow even more worried. "I'm not. It's just allergies." The kid wipes his eyes with the back of his palm. "I forgot to do something, that's why I'm late. I'm sorry if I made you concerned." Niki obviously doesn't believe him but didn't ask any further questions, something the young boy could appreciate. "Let's go inside." Niki says while walking towards the bakery. Inside the bakery, they go to the kitchen. Hannah is sitting at the table writing a letter or a list, Tommy can't tell. Once him and Nikki walk in she looks at them. With a caring look, she starts "Are you o-" But Tommy interrupts her "I'm okay". Immediately regretting it Tommy mumbles an apology. "We're going to bake a cake right?". He tries changing the subject. "yes but we can change it if you want." "Noo no cake is poggers. Do we have milk and wheat or do we need to go to the farm." The boy says while running around the kitchen looking through chests and barrels. Nikki answers laughing. "We have to get the milk, eggs and wheat, But we have the sugar." The farm is one of Tommy his favourite places. He even has his own cow henry, a gift from Techno. "What do we do first?" he asks the others. "I'll do the wheat than you and Niki can get the milk and eggs." Hanna says. "Okay" Niki replied and with that, they, split up. She and Tommy into the barn and Hanna towards the fields. After half an hour or so they are all done. Tommy has even had some time to feed Henry. "Do you guys have everything?" The oldest said while returning from the field. "Yup and I even fed Henry and the other cows" Tommy stated. "how old is Henry? I feel like he is older than most of our cows." Niki asks. "Ten years, I think... yeah, I got him on my 7th birthday from Techno. He was born two weeks before." They talked about Henry on their way back to the bakery. Back in the kitchen Hannah gets out the baking supplies. While Tommy takes the sugar out of one of the barrels and Niki reads the recipe aloud. "Mix three parts wheat with two parts sugar and mix the three parts milk with one part eggs. Then put both mixtures in a bowl and mix into a batter. Taylor, do you want to do the wet or dry ingredients?" "The dry ingredients please" Tommy answers. "How much is three parts?" "3/9 of the whole batter, to make it easy let's say we are making 900 grams of batter. So you need 300 grams of wheat" the brunette answers. After mixing the batter and choosing a form. Niki put the cake in the oven. it took about half an hour for it to be done. In that time the three of them played some games. Tommy won two times. "Can we eat the cake now?" tommy asks after losing another game. "We can take it out but it still needs to cool down" Hanna explains. "Awwww but I don't wanna wait." tommy whined. "And it's getting dark so I need to go home ". "Do you have ten minutes?" Niki says. "Yeah, why?" the younger askes. "Well, that's how long the cake needs to cool down" Hanna says while taking the cake out of the oven. "Oh, can we play another game then in the mean time?" Tommy askes. Niki answers "yeah, wanna play uno?"

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