I'm not anxious, you're anxious.

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Notes: hi wattpad your getting the update first this time because I keep forgetting about you. either way, I tried a new layout this time, Let me know what you think of it. I'm sorry for the slow updates. now lets goo seee yaaaaaa .

Tommy is sitting in his room thinking. Thinking about himself about getting help,not from a professional like puffy or anything but from someone like him someone els who is like him someone with more experience, someone.... someone like Eret.

"Dad, is it okay if I go to Eret? There is something I want to ask her" Tommy asks. He has decided he wants to talk to them.

"I don't know. Not that you're not allowed to see Eret, you are, but with the black out earlier and the bruised wrist. All and all I don't know if it's a good idea." Phil explains.

"I promise I will be carefull." Tommy tries his best to do puppy eyes.

"Okay, but Wilbur is bringing you"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Tommy runs off to the hallway. "Two questions, where is Wilbur? And can you shoot Eret a message for me?"

Phil laughs "I really should get you a com don't I. and Wilbur is in his room or in the study"


Tommy crosses the hallway to the study. He knocks on the door. Nothing. He runs upstairs to Will's room, a soft guitar strumming comes from the other side and knocks again. This time there is an answer.

"Yeah?" his brother answers from behind the door.

"Can I come in?" Tommy asks. Another yeah comes from behind the door. He opens the door and walks in. His brother, Wilbur, has an incredible taste. His room always feels cozy and welcoming. one of his walls is painted a dark forest green, it has all kinds of photos, letters and sheet music on it.

Wilbur has stopped playing his guitar and is looking at Tommy. "What's up?" He asks.

"I need you to bring me to Eret" Wilbur looks confused.


"Yeah I have something I want to ask him."

The blond nervously explains.

"Hmm" Wilbur gives a humm and nods in response.

"Alright, you want to go now or later?" He asks.

"Now, if that's possible'' Tommy doesn't want to be a bother to his brother.

"It is, I wasn't really doing anything" Will sets his guitar in the stand.

"You were playing, right?"

"Yeah but it wasn't going anywhere." He gestures to the door.

"alright" Tommy goes out of the room and down the stairs. He and Wilbur put on their shoes and jackets. Wilbur pokes his head into the living room.

"We're off to Eret" He tells dad.

"Alright, she said it's okay for Taylor to come. Be safe and Will take your communicator with you"

"'kay" Wilbur says.


They get to Erets castel. At the gate Tommy says goodbye to Wilbur.

"Wait, can you send eret a message that I'm here?" Tommy asks.

"yeah sure." Wilbur takes his com out.

--------Peasant fuck ~~> Royalty bitch--------

Peasant fuck: Ayup

Me and Tay are at the gate

Royalty bitch: Great

Wait, why are you here?

Paesant fuck: Had to bring her, she fainted a few days ago and we dont know why

Royalty bitch: aight be there in a min

It was two minutes. Tommy thinks she looks absolutely stunning. They are wearing a red puffy blouse, with a matching skirt and a black corset. The body looks like it is made from silk and the arms are slightly see-through. The bloush has a beautiful lace looking black detail and gold chains. The corset has gold detailing.

"Hi Taylor, Hi Wilbur!" He says

"Hi Eret!" The brothers say at the same time.

"Uhm I'll be off now." Wilbur says. He says his goodbye and walks off back home.

"Wanna go into the castle?" Eret asks.

"Yes, please"

"You look anxious." So it was noticeable. Tommy knows that he looks nervous. He is planning on coming out to the first person ever. So yeah he is anxious.

"I'm not anxious, you're anxious."

Eret gives him a look. Not an upset on just one that says, yeah sure we both know that's not true. Tommy wants to fall through the fucking ground, wtf was that. They start walking into the castle. Once in Eret leads them to a living room but fancy. They walk through the doors.

Tommy feels so nervous that he doesn't feel nervous any more. A sudden rush of confidence hits him.

"I'm trans." He blurts out.

end notes: he finnaly told some one i think i need one more chapter to chatch up with tiktok. Erets out fit is based off this fanart: https://artpocalypse.tumblr.com/post/666231656249802752/eret-the-beloved 

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