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“Taylor it's time for you to go home" Niki says looking out the window. “It's getting dark quickly.” “Okay” tommy says with his mouth still full of cake. "Do we need to bring you home?” she asks, undoubtedly still worrying from him crying. "No, I'll be fine. Thanks though” Tommy stands up from the table. The girls are exchanging looks again. Tommy pretends he doesn’t notice. He doesn’t have the energy to be bothered anyway. “Are you sure” Hannah asks him. "Yes, I'm sure" Tommy utters.
As Tommy is putting on his jacket, Niki comes from the kitchen with the rest of the cake. "For the rest at home" she hands it to Tommy. "Thanks Niki" he says as he puts it in his back pack. Hannah walks in and Tommy gives her and Niki a hug before leaving the bakery

To get home Tommy has to go through the forest. it's not that dense but in the dark it's not the safest place
So, Tommy rather runs through than walking. Not his best choice tonight. As he is running true the forest, he happens to run just a bit too close to a tree. Which happens to have a broken branch. which happens to be very much pointy. "Ahhh" followed by a sharp breath in. Looking back at what hurt him he doesn’t see a root. His foot gets stuck and  Tommy falls to the ground.
"No no no no"
He tries to push himself of the ground. He feels a burning pain in his wrist.
He turns to lay on his back and uses his good arm to push himself up. Tommy sits on the forest floor for a sec before standing up. a sharp pain in his upper arm reminds him of why he was on the ground in the first plays. he carefully feels his upper arm. His jacket is ripped and ...... is that blood.
"Fuck fuck fuck".
It isn't that far home so Tommy starts running and yelling. "PHIL PHILLLLL PHILLLLLLLL!!!!". He keeps yelling till all the way home. When he is just outside the fence Phil comes running out of the house followed by the twins.

"Taylor! what happened?" Phil says looking at Tommy’s arm. Just then Tommy his adrenaline runs out and he realizes how much pain he is in. "I was going home and I don't like the forest when its dark. So, I was running through-" Tommy starts explaining but techno interrupts "Ha Taylor is scared of the dark” “Techno” Phil says through his teeth. “Go on Taylor” he tells Tommy. “-through. But because it was dark, I think that I didn’t see a branch. I ran across it and it scrapped my arm. When I looked back I fell on my wrist.” Tommy concludes his story. “Now if someone could help me I’m in pain”
“Take a torch with you next time. Wilbur can you bandage her, I need to help Techno” Phil says while taking out the first aid kit. Tommy had pushed Techno after he was done with his story. It had hurt fucking much. But it was worth it because, Tommy wasn’t sure how, Techno had fallen into a freezing cold puddle. Wilbur had been laughing his ass off. “If that’s okay with you” Phil asks now looking at Tommy. “sure” Tommy answers to tiered to really talk.
“You bloody idiot, literally” Wilbur mutters while cleaning around the scratch. It isn’t that bad but it’s still bleeding. And ever since the egg thing Phil has been very persistent on cleaning wounds. “I didn’t mean to run into the tree” Tommy defends himself. “But you did push Techno. He is going to kill you. This is going to sting”  Wilbur carefully cleans the wound. Tommy breaths in through his teeth. “Not before dad kills me. Did you see the look on his face” Tommy says flinching when Wilbur grabs his wrist. It is turning a bit blue. “Oh shit” Tommy looks at his wrist “that’s not good.” “ Yeah you could say that, DAD I THINK TAYLOR BRUISED HER WRIST” Wilbur yells. “ YOU KNOW FIRST AID, HELP HER” Phil yells back from across the house.
He doesn’t know what hurts more his wrist or being misgendered. Not that they know no one knows. Tommy is laying in his bed. Wilbur has put some sort of cream on his wrist and bandaged it. Tommy had taken a painkiller and went to his room. There he is now laying on his bed not sleeping. He hates his body his soft facial features his long hair his chest his feminine body. He wishes he has short hair like Wilbur or that he could look masculine with long hair like Techno he wishes he has a flat chest. He wants it all so badly. His pain isn’t getting any better. Tommy looks at the time. Its 3 am already. How long has he been awake for. Tommy decides to get another painkiller he is sure he can take one again.
Tommy walks down the stairs trying his best not to wake anyone. Especially not Techno he will be death if he does.
Tommy walks into the kitchen the first aid kit still one the table he ignores it and walks to the counter getting a strip of painkillers from the drawer. Tommy takes a glass from the cupboard and filles it with water. The he remembers he might be allowed a higher dose. He looks through the drawer. He finds the box and another strip. On the back of the box Tommy finds the doses.
Age- - - - - -dose- - - -max in a day
4 to 9- - - - -1/5 - - - - - - - 2-3
9 to 15- - - - -1- - - - - - - - 5-6
Adult- - - - - 1-2 - - - - - - - - 6
one or two. Tommy chooses two, maybe he can get some sleep then. he picks the glass puts the first one in his mouth and drinks half the glass swallowing the pill with it. he does the same for the second the second pill. tommy always had problems with swallowing pills he doesn't know why though. After he drinks another glass. He turns around and sees the first aid kit, still open. He picks it up to put it away, but his eye falls on something. A plan forms in his head. What if he used one of the bandages to make his chest look flat.
Nothing that could go wrong right?

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