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Haechan and Chenle were hurried to the NCT base because the dream base was completely ambushed by the uninvited guests and the safe house did not have enough equipment to operate them

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Haechan and Chenle were hurried to the NCT base because the dream base was completely ambushed by the uninvited guests and the safe house did not have enough equipment to operate them.

They were the only members with major injuries the rest had minor injuries like bruises and muscle sprain.

Soeun could feel the exact same pain felt by Haechan and passed out on the way to the base.

Several hours passed and they were finally done operating both Chenle and Haechan. Chenle was awake and in a meeting with the member because his injury was nothing compared to Haechan.

On the other hand, Haechan had lost a lot of blood and was still unconscious. Taeil and Jaemin the medics told Soeun that he would wake up within an hour or two but the girl could not stop worrying about the boy.

A little while later Chenle came out of the meeting room and sat down next to Soeun in the living room.

"He's gonna be ok, he's had worst hits than that"

"I know he's gonna be ok but I just don't know what I'm gonna do if this happens regularly."

"It won't don't worry"

"I'm scared Chenle"

"Don't be he's the ace for a reason its just on rare occasions where he gets hurt"

Chenle hugged Soeun from the side with his uninjured hand helping her calm down before he remembered something.

"Oh how could I forget this you know soulmates can heal each other right?"


"Then what are you doing here?" He raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"Oh my gosh thanks for reminding"

Soeun ran to the medical side of the base bursting the door open.

"Hey you need something" Jaemin asked.

"I just remembered something really important"

"Really! What is it?"

"Soulmates can heal each other"

"They can?"

"Yeah you didn't know?"

"I uhm don't have a soulmate" Jaemin muttered the last part.

"I'm sorry I couldn't catch that what did you say?"

"Oh it's nothing Haechan is in the infirmary you can go in"

"Thanks, Nana"

"Your welcome"

The girl went inside the infirmary. Not wanting to invade his privacy she sat down on the chair next to the bed and held his hand.

"You know I was really worried when I found out that you were hurt"

Soeun sighed knowing the boy would not answer her but still kept a smile on her face.

"In this short time we met, I noticed that you really love your members and treat them like your family even though you never really show it" She smiled remembering the time when she saw him with his members.

"I wish one day you could open up to me and let me in" she said quietly

"All my life the only thing I wanted was to be loved not saying my parents don't love me but they are never really home so I never received the love I wanted so I always looked forward to meeting my soulmate. To be honest I'm happy you're my soulmate"

"Get well soon soulmate" Soeun smiled and kissed his forehead.

The girl fell asleep not knowing that Haechan was awake and listening to her the whole time.

Haechan opened his eyes and looked to the side seeing the girl sleeping soundly with her head on her right arm. He sat up carefully and took his time to admire her face.

He lifted his left hand and moved the hair that was on her face and then patted her head.

She's pretty.

"Don't worry I'm here now I promise to love you " He smiled.

"I'm happy you're my soulmate too Soeun" He said glancing at the soulmate tattoo on his wrist and back to his soulmate.

𝒦𝒾𝓂 𝒮𝑜𝑒𝓊𝓃

𝒦𝒾𝓂 𝒮𝑜𝑒𝓊𝓃

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