Person A in the beginning was just a reporter doing their job before person B came along. Person B was a celebrity who was known for their less than normal personality and larger than life actions. Person A was reporting on another event with B-list celebrities expecting nothing out of the normal till person B got there. The event went from a normal gathering of celebrities to chaos with fireworks, animals, and a lot of alcohol. Person A was one of the few who was sober of alcohol. They had seen what person B had done and was determined to get some kind of statement from them. When person A got the chance to finally talk to person B after getting past the drunk guest they wanted to learn what they could behind person B's reason behind this chaos. Person B just said "why not" as a response but didn't let person A leave after that instead pulled person A into person B's world of chaos. After that Person A couldnt leave this new world like many others who came too close to Person B and ended up as another part of the party.
Random Flash Fiction
De TodoHeres some random flash fiction I write because why not. Use if you want as prompts or just read just credit if you do decided to publish. Also warning, I barely edit these so theres bound to be some mistakes.