Nirvana's Love

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Nirvana smirked as Claude flinched yet again. She was enjoying how much he seemed to be regretting killing her past self. She was also enjoying listening to the gods tear down that fool of a princess, Jennette. Lucas saw Nirvana's smirk and he too smirked, glad that his beloved was enjoying herself.

He knew she had not wanted to return to the Mortal Realm but one of the Royal Family of the Spirit Realm could not just miss the annual meeting. Lucas had been worried Nirvana would just destroy the entire empire once she saw it but she had shown nothing but a calm and cold face.

Lucas was not happy with how Obelian's Imperial family had changed while he was asleep but there was nothing he could do about it so he decided he would stay with his dearest wife in the Spirit Realm forever more. He would leave the Mortal Realm behind and rule with his beloved.

The rest of the dinner went well and ended not long after. Nirvana and Lucas watched as Claude dragged Jennette away from everyone else. Nirvana sometimes feared for Obelian's future.
Diana and Minerva made their way to Nirvana. "How has the Spirit Realm been?" Minerva asked. 

"It has been well. The Spirits have calmed since I was introduced and the Realm is in balance once more," Nirvana answered. "I'm glad. Dusana had come to us, Immortals, for help but only Pluto had any power over Spirits. He was not much help as he is not of your Realm so the Spirits did not want to listen to him," Diana told Nirvana with a sigh.

"It was a difficult time for us all," Minerva said. "What do you mean?" Lucas asked the two goddesses. "Diana, the dancer of Siodonna, had just died and she was beloved by the Realms very dearly so when she died and there was no trace of her soul or Spirit we panicked. We searched but found nothing. That was one of the reasons the Spirits were so angry and unsettled," Diana explained with a sad smile.

Nirvana froze as she heard the name of her past mother. No wonder the gods had wanted Athanasia as the heir of Obelian. She was the daughter of their beloved mortal.

Lucas took Nirvana's hand and smiled at her to make her relax. Nirvana nodded and said, "Many Spirits talk of Diana fondly and still search for her within my Realm. I have not felt her so I fear she is nowhere within my home," Nirvana said with a shake of her head.

The two goddesses nodded and took their leave. Lucas led Nirvana outside into a garden for some fresh air. Nirvana sighed as she saw the stars shining down on her. She had missed the stars.

"I wish that I could have just stayed in the Spirit Realm," Nirvana said as Lucas wrapped his arms around her. "I know," Lucas answered back. "I never was going to fulfill my threat to them. I only said those words because of my anger," Nirvana told Lucas with a sad voice. Lucas hummed as he pulled her closer.

Lucas held his love close to him. He looked up at the stars and wished that she would always be happy. She had lived eighteen years full of pain and unhappiness. He only wanted her to feel joy and love now but it seemed that sadness would always return to his Princess.

Nirvana smiled lovingly as she relaxed in Lucas' arms. She loved him more than anything else in the world as he helped her heal. He helped her forget her dreadful past and look towards their ever bright future. Nirvana felt so safe in her love's arms and as she looked at the stars she wished she could always be this happy.

Nirvana and Lucas made their way to their room within the Realms' Palace. They both changed and laid in bed before their eyes closed.

Blonde curls blew in the wind as the ten goddesses danced within a field of flowers. The blonde woman smiled brightly as her rose-pink eyes shined with happiness.

"Diana, come join us!" Venus shouted as she continued to dance. The woman, Diana, soon joined the goddesses in their dance.

The gods watched with amused smiles as their eyes showed true happiness. Diana smiled as she waved at them. Apollo and Hermes soon jumped into the dance too.

The Immortals were truly happy and it seemed that Diana was the cause for their happiness. Diana, the mortal woman, was one the gods held dear and had sworn to protect.

The scene changed and Diana was telling the gods of her lover, who was an emperor of the Mortal Realm. The gods did not like that she had a lover but did not show it to their beloved mortal.

The scene again changed to show Diana with a rounded middle. She began to tell the gods of how much she loved her child and how she couldn't wait to hold them.

The scene then showed a weeping Diana as Juno held her close. She had told the gods of how she was to die because her child had been blessed with great power.

She made the gods swear to watch over her child after she passed so that her child would know true happiness and love. She had made Claude promise as well but he never meant to keep that promise.

It now showed Diana lying in a bed with sweat rolling down her face as she screamed in pure agony. Suddenly a baby's cry sounded and Diana saw her child. "A girl! M'Lady, it's a girl!" "Her name shall be...Athanasia," Diana said before she died.

It showed Claude weeping as he killed all those within the Ruby Palace. He cursed Diana's name and left only her child alive. He then used the forbidden Black Magic to rid himself of her and their memories together.

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