The Painful Truth

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Nirvana woke with a start and felt sweating all over her body. Claude had used Black Magic?! Black Magic was forbidden and would lead to a painful death.

Nirvana shook in anger and Lucas woke up to see her purple eyes glowing with rage. "Vana, what's wrong?" Nirvana looked at her beloved and said, "That fool Claude used Black Magic!"

Lucas flinched at the pure rage in her voice before he decided to comfort her. "I know you're angry but you can't do anything to change the fact he used such magic. He has already chosen such an awful death and there is nothing we can do," Lucas told his wife.

Nirvana nodded before he pulled her into his arms and held her close to his heart. Nirvana sighed and relaxed in Lucas' arms.

The next morning Nirvana decided she would tell the gods of Claude. She found them in a field not far from the palace. They all looked sad and that's when Nirvana realized that the field was the one from her dream.

"Spirit Princess, what brings you here?" Vesta asked with a warm smile. Nirvana walked towards them and said, "Last night I had a dream. A dream of a woman with golden eyes and rose eyes. She met a cold Emperor and fell in love. Soon she was to have a child but said child was to kill her if she gave birth. The Emperor begged the woman to kill the child but the woman wouldn't. Said Emperor then used Black Magic to rid himself of the woman in his memories and in doing so he wiped all memory of the daughter she bore."

The gods stared at Nirvana in shock before it turned to rage. "How dare he?!" Venus shouted as she glowed a deep red. "He dares to ask our beloved mortal to kill her only child and then use Black Magic to rid himself of her memory?!" Jupiter boomed as the sky grew dark.

Nirvana looked at the gods with tears in her eyes. She was soon weeping and as soon as they heard her cries the gods hurried to her side.

"Why do you cry?" Diana asked as she wiped Nirvana's tears. Nirvana looked up at them and said, "I cry because you loved my mother so much but not once did you check on me in the eighteen years I suffered!"

It was then the gods realized who the Spirit Princess once was. She was the daughter of their beloved mortal. The daughter they never once thought of after Diana died.

"We are deeply sorry. After losing Diana we all mourned her death and when we finally felt ready to see her child we were told you had died. We were looking forward to seeing Diana's daughter, Athanasia, but the fool Claude had killed you but now you live again as the Princess of Spirits," Juno explained.

Nirvana paused and realized how hard it must have been to lose the one mortal they had ever loved so dearly.

 "I forgive you but from now on you must visit me often," Nirvana told the gods with a big smile. The gods froze as they were reminded of their lovely Diana.

 The gods froze as they were reminded of their lovely Diana

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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