part 5

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Part 5:-

Anirudh's voice quivered with emotion as he called out desperately, "Kaka... Kaka... Kaka..." The echo of his words seemed to hang heavily in the room, but there was no response. A deep sense of emptiness engulfed him as he closed his eyes, trying to mask the tears that threatened to fall.

Bondita's heart raced as she received the news from the servant, the reality of the situation hitting her like a ton of bricks. She stood frozen at the doorway, her eyes searching for Anirudh. The sight of him sitting in numb silence pierced her soul, the weight of grief palpable in the air.

At the funeral, Anirudh's expression remained unreadable, his eyes glazed over as Kaka's body was engulfed in flames. He went through the motions of the final rituals with a sense of duty, the heaviness of loss weighing him down.

Memories flooded Anirudh's mind, each one a poignant reminder of the deep bond he shared with Kaka. The comforting touch on his forehead, the laughter that rang through their home - each memory held a bittersweet essence of their time together. The void left by Kaka's passing felt insurmountable, a gaping hole in his heart that could never be filled.

It's been 15 days since Kaka passed away. Bondita feels sorrow too, not just because he was her patient, but because she had developed a very good relationship with Kaka. Everyone is sad, and the environment is filled with sorrow. Tomorrow she is going away, back to her house, but she doesn't have the heart to leave.

She feels as though her soul has settled here, and this house has become like her own. What a place this is! Where Anirudh has brought her, she has become unaware of this world. Today, she doesn't want anything from God. She only wants to bow her head before Him.

The place where she and Anirudh have come has generous shadows. They have brought a caravan of dreams here. Their heartbeats are young, and the atmosphere sings. There's something different in her heart, not like before when she first arrived here.

She begins to think that Anirudh is unique. She looks at her engagement ring. The belief is coupled with an inability to feel romantic passion for her fiancé or anyone else. She tends to focus on the positive qualities of her beloved, while overlooking his negative traits. She also focuses on trivial events and objects that remind her of Anirudh, daydreaming about these precious little moments and mementos.

Bondita searched for Anirudh, desperately seeking the connection they once shared before Kaka's passing. Anirudh's silence weighed heavily on her, his usual warmth now replaced with a somber and distant demeanor. She remembered the pained look in his eyes when she had mentioned her imminent departure, sensing his hurt at the thought of her leaving.

Finally locating him sitting alone on the stairs, Bondita sat beside him, determined to have a heart-to-heart conversation. Today, she wanted to share her innermost feelings and hoped that he would open up too. As they sat together, their lips quivering with unspoken words and their silence echoing loudly, they both felt a sense of unease and restlessness engulfing them.

In that moment of shared silence, they longed for some indication from each other's eyes, a sign that they were not alone in their emotions. They yearned for mutual understanding and support to navigate the complexities of life and find solace in each other's hearts. Despite the tumultuous thoughts racing through their minds and their restless heartbeats, they held onto the hope that their hearts would eventually find peace and refuge in their love for each other..

Anirudh: you are going back Tomorrow.
Anirudh's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of impending separation. Bondita, her gaze averted, replied softly, "My train leaves at 4 o'clock in the afternoon." The silence between them grew, until Bondita found the courage to break it, her voice laced with sorrow. "I am sorry about Uncle. He was more than just an uncle to me...he was like a father. It's strange, isn't it? We spend our lives chasing after things, only to be left alone in the end. And tomorrow, it will be your turn to leave me."

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