Chapter 9- Confessions of the past

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TRIGGER WARNING!!! This chapter talks about heavy topics including murder, dying, and describing traumatic events. Please skip this chapter if any of these things could upset you. All will be explained in a non-triggering way before the next chapter! 


"That's not possible. I would appreciate it if you didn't fuck with me right now." Freddy flinched at your harsh words swallowing. 

"How can I make you believe me?" His eyes were begging, threatening to fill with tears. "Please Y/n tell me how I can prove it to you?" 

"Tell me something only he would know." Your voice wavered. He stood up and slowly took a step towards you.

"You hate the dark so anytime you think you have to go into a dark area you have me come with you." Another step. 

His eyes illuminated the daycare as you searched for a lost child. 

"You say you're a horrible singer yet I've heard you in your office sounding like an angel." You could reach out to him now. 

Alice telling you how she caught Freddy just standing outside your office. 

"You only like pizza if it's partially burnt on the edges." Your arms twitched at your sides as he was close enough to hug. 

There always was a slice cooked just how you liked it after confessing to him exactly how you prefer your pizza. 

"And just a few days ago you and I sat in this room together where the both of us felt..something." He looked down at you. He softly took your hands in his never leaving your eyes. "Believe me now?" 

"How is this even possible?" Your head swam with possibilities not understanding a single one. Freddy sighed and pulled you to the couch. He sat next to you giving you space. 

"When this place first opened, the original owner he....he cut corners. He didn't spend enough on security when it should have been the first priority with children here." Freddy looked at the ground not wanting to see your face throughout this. "I was an adult celebrating my 18th birthday." He smiled. "It was a good day. My friends had left already but I wanted to stick around and explore. I should have gone with them but..." His voice cracked. "I didn't and it costs me everything." You felt your stomach drop. 

"Oh god." You place your hand over his. When he looked at you he was crying. 

"Someone had gotten in the building and he found me. He took me and he..he" Freddy sobbed gently. "He killed me. I was so afraid, I was alone dying in the undergrounds of this place." His hands shakily unbuttoned his shirt enough to where you could see his chest. It was scarred heavily and you could see slash marks. He took a shaky breath trying to calm himself. "It didn't take them long to find me but when they did, there wasn't much left. My family was notified and I was given a burial." 

"But you didn't get any closure." You come closer to him being careful to give space but also let him know that you were there. Your head spun as you thought of everything he had been through. 

"I wasn't the first, Bonnie was. I won't tell your his story because it is not mine to tell. But what's important is that he had it figured out when he found me. He gave me space to grieve before showing He showed me what I could do and how to possess the endoskeletons." He buttoned his shirt back up. "Slowly I learned and so did the others how to control our new bodies. We learned how to try and live as best as we could." Freddy smiled sadly. "We continue to age from when we were killed, have this physical form thanks to our situation, and are free to roam inside the pizza plex." He looks down. "We can't leave here though, we are bonded to this place as far as we know. I have been for 9 years, I'm 27 now." You think for a moment taking everything in. 

"This is all just..." You search for the right words. "I am so sorry Freddy. Everything you all have been through." You choke on your words tears spilling over. "I had no idea." Freddy smiled and reached up to you brushing your tears away. 

"It's okay. I've come to terms that what happened to me wasn't my fault or anyone else's other than that past owner and the person who did that to me." He came closer pulling you into a hug. "I'm right here. I'm okay now." He drew small comforting circles on your back as your sniffled. "I promised that I wouldn't let anyone else in charge fail the way the old owner had with us." 

"I should be comforting you not the other way around." You laugh through the tears and pull back only enough to look at him. He held you so gently afraid that you would disappear if he held on too tight. "What happened to that other owner?" 

"Well he was investigated after every...incident but nothing came forward. By the time Monty had passed, who was the last one, the police forced him to step down and arrested him for child engagement. 6 accounts for the six souls trapped here." He smiled. "Then Mark came around. We showed him what we are and what happened to us. He took our advice and with everyone's help try and make sure nothing happens to another child again." He scooted even closer the two of you practically on top of one another. "Alice and Ryan figured it out and helped us learn when and how to roam as ourselves. And, now you know." You brush some hair out of his eyes softly. 

"All of the others...they all had the same thing happen to them. How often do they show themselves?" Freddy did the same to you, tucking a piece behind your ear. 

"More than me honestly. I think it would be good for you to go to each of them and get their stories alone. They trust you." You smile. 

"I'm honored to be trusted with all of this. Thank you Freddy so much."  

"Of course Superstar." He kissed your hand gently. 

It took about a week, but you had heard everyone's stories and saw who they were. 

Chica had been lured to a closet with promises from an adult man after a day with her friends. She had been 16, now 24. She had been only a year after Freddy and was the third overall. She was beautiful, with Pixie blond hair and blue eyes with hints of purple. She told you of her dreams of becoming a model before what had happened to her, now she made it her goal to make sure every girl knew was beautiful as they were. 

Roxy was next. The two of you sat in her raceway sipping on some soda. She had been a musician and after a birthday party was tricked into coming to the underground of the place with promises of showing her where all the instruments were kept. She had been 14 now 22. Like Chica, she was very pretty with long blond hair a green streak matching her animatronic shell, and hazel eyes. She made it her goal to always let the kids know that they were enough and worth everything. 

You helped clean up the daycare while listening to Sun and Moon's story the lights dimmed so you could see both of them. Sun and Moon were interesting, one soul split into two bodies. They were 12 now 21 when they had died. They had been tricked into thinking a young child was in trouble. They both looked like twins, just opposite colors in the hair and eyes. Sun blond with blue eyes and moon with black hair and dark brown eyes. They had accidentally had taken up both sun and moon but felt most comfortable like that. They made sure every young child was taken care of and every single one as safe as possible. 

The youngest was Monty who was only 10 now 19. You sat in his room with him crying alongside your friend. He was the hardest to listen to and had been through hell. He was used as a hostage in a robbery, beaten to death. You spent hours with him holding him as he cried in your shoulder. He had bronze skin and curly black hair with golden eyes. He swore to be the strongest making sure no child would be defenseless against anyone ever again. 

Bonnie was the oldest, 25 now 34. When you saw his form you were shocked to see someone mature looking. Brown messy hair and blue/purple eyes, he even had glasses. You helped him fix one of the broken bowling lanes as he told you his story. He had brought his own child for his birthday and had caught someone trying to take his little boy. He had saved his child and sacrificed himself. He told you how after a few years his son had come back here and become close with Bonnie. He swore no child would be without a guardian while he was there. 

After the week was done you sat in your office alone and cried. Hearing all of the suffering that had happened in this place, what had happened to each of your dear friends, destroyed you. You made your own promise. 

As long as you were there, you wouldn't let a single soul suffer as they did no matter what the cost. 

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