My New Friend

236 28 12
  • Dedicated to Ćhaçķočhàn Qiünń

Child's POV

I found a new friend! I'm so happy I did!
I found someone way better than all those mean kids
who ignore me all the time and walk away
they never, had ever called me to play
My new friend looks so cute and seems so nice
And guess what!! He's just like me, he really likes dice
I see them around him everytime I come visit
And they match with his eyes, which are lively and exquisite
He has a huge smile which makes me smile too
And I really wanna hug him! Even more than you do!
But, for some reason he's stuck, trapped in a glass
Just like the hamster that lives in my Science class
I can't just break it, take him and run
'Cause people will think I'm a bad girl, and ruin my fun
So, I talk to my new friend till the sun goes down
While people wander back and forth, around the whole town

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