Chapter 14 - The Bond that Binds

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A short chapter after Boxing Day.    Votes are appreciated, they keep the story alive.

Chains and ropes that bind you together can be cut. Promises made can be broken. Eventually, separated by enough time and distance the bond will disappear completely, with out a single trace that it ever existed.

But a memory so strong, shared, tucked away like the most precious treasure, without a beginning or end, not defined by time or distance...can survive. Emerging and haunting you when it thinks you may forget that look in those eyes that you've searched for but never found in anyone else, that soft touch that still burns your skin, how that one smile meant for you alone broke your heart.

A memory of a face, a touch, a kiss, a smile that  is the bond that binds, enduring, gripping your mind and soul, demanding that you remember.


Kevin's (PoV)

Kevin watched Virgil from behind the racks of bread, croissants and other pastries He was starting to get worried that the kid might be sick. Every now and then he saw him holding his chest, breathless. Virgil never complained and fobbed off Kevin's concern, instead happily chatting with every customer that came in. He was a godsend, a godsend that had landed at the door of his shop one morning like a gift. At the time a scruffy, malnourished gift but one none the less. He told himself he would ask James when they were alone if he'd noticed anything wrong. Kevin liked Virgil from the moment he saw him. He'd been a strange looking kid, with huge green eyes in a thin face, he was skinny as a rack. And that hair of his, bloody hell it's weird....a long plait like a girl. But there had been something bright and shiny about him even in the state he was in. Offering him a home had felt as normal as deciding to keep a cute stray cat. James had hated the idea but not for long. He was glad they ended up good friends.

The shop was thriving thanks to him, that cheerful personality of his pulled people to him. They didn't come in just for the artisan bread and lamingtons, Virgil's sweet smile and conversation was an attraction in its self.


Jame's (PoV)

James came in late from a date and was feeling in a good mood. His new beau was a hottie and the getting to know each other stage of the relationships was going well. He smiled to himself as he remembered the great head job he'd just received. Throwing down his keys and wallet on the hall stand he went into the living area. Virgil had left a single lamp on for him. It was a sweet gesture that James appreciated. Where ever he'd been, who every he'd been with, when he walked into the house and the small light was on, it always felt like home and someone had been thinking of him. He was going to turn it off when he realised that Virgil was curled up asleep on the lounge.  He looked down at him, his long braid falling off the couch onto the floor. His face peaceful.

"Hey. Bed time." He gave him a nudge. Virgil mumbled in his sleep. Another nudge and he was awake. Rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "Shit, I must have fallen asleep. Did you have a nice time?"

"A very good first date." James said trying to curb the urge to say something else. Their relationship sat on a fine line and he had to remember that there were things they couldn't share.

Virgil looked at him with mixed feelings. James would never change. He could smell the guy all over him. His wolf sniffed the air and growled his disapproval.  He didn't feel jealous anymore.

"That's good. Another notch on your bedpost." Virgil smiled at him, got up, and headed for the stairs. I'm off to bed. I'm knackered." Then suddenly he felt the tightness in his chest again and his hands automatically clenched. The pain varied in intensity, sometimes it was so bad it cut off his breath in his throat and his whole body stiffened in agony.  This time it was only a single sharp pain. It was something that used to happen when he was first rejected and left the pack but it had started up again the last couple of weeks.  Virgil had an idea what it was but didn't want to think about it or put a name to it.

"Hey mate are you OK." James was by his side in a second, his arm around his waist and holding him tight.

"It's nothing...just got up too fast...I'm half asleep."  Virgil tried to push him away, he hated smelling other men on him but James held on tight. " Come on babe, someone needs their beauty sleep." He helped him up the stairs to his room. Virgil said a quick goodnight and went straight to bed, asleep instantly, dreaming of his wolf running, running.


Virgil's (PoV)

Virgil didn't want to think too much about the tightness in his chest. He'd almost forgotten the abruptness of these attacks. After he was rejected they had been debilitating, constantly attacking him any time of the day or night but thankfully the pain lasted for a few months and then disappeared. He assumed it was a side effect of the rejection. Every now and then he would feel an echo of something similar, his heart would suddenly shudder and slow like it was about to stop beating, and then it re-started with a thud. Virgil thought perhaps reaching maturity had triggered a relapse. He hoped it would peter off like before.

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