Chapter 74 - Beast

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Virgil (PoV)

I woke this morning feeling the familiar tingle flowing through me. From my fingertips to my ears it moves along each nerve in my body. The heat that comes with it left my face flushed and my skin damp with a fine sweat. I went out early for a run to try to shake off the tension. It didn't take me long to realise that was a mistake. As I ran I found the more I exerted myself and became feverish the more looks I got, I sensed unmated Lycans started to turn in my direction and catch my scent. My pheromones were affecting them, as well as me. I found myself looking closely at them almost feeling the pulse in their throat, their heartbeats. I was becoming aroused. I could see the effect I was having on them as well, their eyes widen,  they wanted me. I felt I was feeding off of every pair of eyes, every scent.

I'd been lucky up to now, in Melbourne werewolves and Lycans are rare, so being on heat had never been a problem. I was just extra randy and found obliging human partners. However, here in the middle of Lycan territory a full moon is something to be wary of. The heat that I'd felt the last couple of years had been a thrilling buzz in my veins. It would send me sniffing around the local clubs for sex. Since coming of age it's amplified, it's a firestorm. It feel like I need an army to satisfy me.

I went home as fast as I could and stood under the shower until I felt the heat subsided and become more manageable. Away from other Lycans the feverishness was uncomfortable but nothing I couldn't handle.

Sunset couldn't come fast enough.


Damien (PoV)

Damien stood in front of the mirror in his bedroom examine his appearance in detail. From head to foot he fit his duel roles in the Lycan and Human worlds, a perfect, successful young businessman and The Alpha of the Pure Bloods. He was the poster boy for the perfect male, handsome, strong, charismatic and the cherry on top was he was wealthy to boot. But as he eyed himself critically, smoothing down his shirt, straightening the collar, pulling down the cuffs he knew none of that mattered to Virgil. Those things didn't even warrant a blip on his radar. He judged people by other standards and Damien was never sure he rated well.

What he saw in the mirror was in reality, a male who hadn't hit 21 yet, had never been in a relationship and who had sex...once, with the mate he had rejected twice.

He ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath, it was sunset soon.

When Virgil walked into his office the previous day he hadn't expected such a bizarre request. They were both young healthy Lycans it wasn't a totally unreasonable request, just surprisingly blunt. They had slept together before and it was amazing, even thinking about it instantly made him hard. So he shouldn't have been so surprised but he had been, as well as a little scared. They had come full circle. He had to admit that it wasn't just sex he wanted from Virgil. Damien admired him, how he had made something of himself away from the pack, that he was strong and honest. He was loyal to his friends, like no one else he'd ever met. Ironically, all the qualities of a good mate. He felt a sharp pang of sadness and wished he had known this when they were first mated, maybe things could have been very different.

Still he couldn't imagine what sort of relationship an Alpha and a Rogue could possibly have but he wouldn't say no to trying to find out.


Viirgil (PoV)

It was sunset. Virgil's skin was so sensitive his clothes were making him uncomfortable. His pelt trap was on, he couldn't trust his wolf. If there was anyone who could control him while on heat it would Damien but he was still wary of letting him free. He could already feel him prowling around inside his brain, growling and barring his teeth. Virgil could feel his spine arching,neck being pulled back.  His claws threatened to extend ready for his wolf to leap if it got the chance.

When he heard the knock at the door his heart almost jumped out of his chest, although he was already as randy as hell, he just couldn't pounce on Damien.   It wasn't as if he was a one night stand and he'd never see him again. His body started tingling at the thought of the man just beyond the door, so close he could pick up his delicious scent.


Damien (PoV)

By the time he was at Virgil's apartment Damien was an emotional mess. The drive there had given him enough time to over think everything, to sabotage his confidence and make him horny all at the same time. Memories of their past encounter started to replay along side every harsh word they had ever said to each other. Standing at his door it took him a whole 5 minutes to find the courage to knock. He could sense Virgil even from there, his scent was everywhere like when he had visited him at the hospital. He had barely managed to keep his hands off him for tonight...well. He let out a sigh as a surge of excitement ran down to his crutch. His cock swelled at the thought of what the night would hold. Suddenly, all he could think about was kissing him senseless, being inside him, wrapped in his arms.  He'd even let Virgil take him if he wanted. A short sharp thrill ran up his spine at the thought.

He finally knocked on the door, his heart beating double time. It didn't take long for Virgil to answer. As the door swung open he met his eyes, those smouldering eyes that melted his soul. Damien literally felt his knees go weak. He stepped inside and pushed the door closed behind him. His head was swimming with Virgil's scent. Damien pulled him into his arms, no words were needed. He could see from Virgil's face that he felt the same hunger, the same pull drawing them together. The usual social norms didn't apply. What was the point of polite conversation over a glass of wine when it was blatantly obvious that they wanted each other desperately.

Damien cupped Virgil's face and kissed him softly at first, but Virgil's eager response turned the kiss into something else.  He pressed their lips together, trying to find the best fit, each time wanting more.   Damien traced Virgil's lips with his and searching and teasing Virgil's. He nipped at his bottom lip and started all over again. Damien's hands never stopping their exploration of his body. He felt Virgil stand on his toes, open his mouth and wrap his arms tighter around his waist, his fingers clutching at his shirt. He couldn't help but grab his backside pull him up and into his crutch, grinding their cocks together. Damien was on fire and he hadn't even taken a step away from the front door.    

"Should we slow down.  We have all night."   Damien whispered against  Virgil's neck.  One of his hands came up to touch Virgil's long hair, it was soft and he buried his face in it.  The scent of the boy for some reason so much stronger when he nuzzled his beautiful mane.  Damien growled and his wolf was howling for it's lost mate.  "Maybe we should..."

Virgil pulled himself up and pressed himself against Damien.  "I don't want to waste a minute of tonight."  He covered Damien's mouth with his own.  He kissed him so fiercely Damien's breathe caught in his throat, his tongue invading his mouth, hungry for the taste of him.

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