Chapter 19 - Time to Fess Up

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I just reposted chapter 18 - hopefully it reads a little better.  As I'm obsessing at the moment here is another short chapter.

Paul's (PoV)

The PA pushed Damien out of the room. All proper protocol had gone to hell and at the moment the Alpha wasn't thinking straight. "Go have a shower, get his scent off you." Damien normally would have broken at least one of The PA's limbs for speaking to him like that but he understood and held his temper.

Paul closed the door behind him and went to check on Virgil. The two puncture wounds weren't deep but they were raw and red from being sucked and bitten. What was he thinking? He looked at the Virgil lying naked and could understand the Alpha wanting him but it didn't make sense. He could have any mate. Damien had rejected him three years ago, there should be nothing between them. Instead, the Alpha was acting as if he was bound to him.

While Paul dressed his wounds he assumed, considering the placement of the bite, it must have been a last minute decision to bite instead of doing something more intimate. Still of all places...the femoral artery. The rush of rich blood pulsing so close to the surface must have smelt delicious. He couldn't resist it. However, a nick too deep and the boy could have bled out. At least it was an easy wound to hide. On top of how dangerous it was, he hadn't considered the fact that the boy wasn't in heat or his mate. That there would have been no pleasure in it for him. For Virgil it would have been a very painful bite. When he'd heard him howl it had made his skin crawl. For a moment he pitied the boy.

He pulled back the covers and lifted him into bed. He took his pulse, it was strong and steady. He was sound asleep and would wake up with no harm done, except that possibly he'd distrust Damien more than before.


Damien's (PoV)

Damien was sitting on the couch, a towel wrapped around his waist. He was pouring his second large whisky. He had made a number of big mistakes today and realised too late that he had assumed to much. One thing he had gotten very wrong was that he thought he could control his emotions around Virgil. Fort wo years he had been tortured, cursed with visions of his rejected mate and now it had come to a head. Coming here to talk it our with Virgil had seemed a simple logical solution. Instead he'd made a total arse of himself and bitten the boy like some feral wolfhound.

"Sit down." He gestured for Paul to sit in the chair opposite. The PA looked stiffer than usual.

" Tomorrow I have to talk to Virgil. You will need to be there as I don't think I can trust myself alone with him." Paul raised a quizzical eyebrow. "You asked me before if there was something I needed to to tell you." Damien still found it hard to put into words. He'd kept it to himself for too long for it to come easily.

"Paul. Your allegiance is to me, correct? Not The Pure or even my father." Damien looked him straight in the eye and waited for his answer.

"To you. The Alpha of the Pure Blood." The PA said in his most official voice. He was a pack Guardian he had dedicated his life to serving the Alpha.

"Then I have something to tell you. And I will need your help." Damien finished off his whisky in one go and poured another.


Virgul's (PoV)

Virgil woke up suddenly, he stared at the ceiling and it took him a moment to remember where he was. He sat up, he was alone in bed. That was definitely a good thing. The curtains hadn't been drawn and he could see the first light of day just hitting the top of the skyscrapers and streaking the river with gold.

"OMG what a night." He held his head in his hands. He got out of bed and realised the bitr was tender, tight and still stung like crazy. Suddenly, he remembered that moment very clearly, he shuddered at the thought of that cold sharp sting that made him feel numb from the waist down. Virgil stood at the window trying to think why this was happening after all this time. He felt a twinge of pain in his chest and took a couple of deep breaths to ease it. His stomach grumbled loudly and he realised he was hungry and picked at the dry sandwiches left over from last night and poured a cup of cold coffee. He had lived on the streets and ate much worse things than this.

Virgil curled up in the arm chair and watched the sun rise, trying to work out want he was feeling...he was so confused. He knew that he had spent two years loathing Damien and his pack, but when Damien touched him he just couldn't rouse that hate. When Damien had looked at him the expression had been soft, tender even.

But the pain in his chest returned with a vengeance short circuiting any other thought.. It was unbearable. There was no time to try to understand Damien's actions. Virgil felt his muscles turn into knots, he chest crushed, his breath squeezed out of him. At it's worst he felt the discs in his spine grind against each other....and then...he bit me. The pain doubled and I wanted to die. Still, and this confused him the most, he could feel his sweet mouth on his skin, revelling in his blood. But he couldn't feel the hate.

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