Chapter 36 - Hot and bothered on a Full Moon

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I just posted this and I had a second thought.  Out of the three options which would you go for, I'm curious to see what people think. Leave a comment and let me know.  I haven't written the next chapter fully yet so you could inspire me to change my mind and go in another direction.

Damien sat at his desk. A string of thoughts lead him one by one from Paul's odd request to his father and the previous day. He rubbed his eyes. The awful scene replayed in his mind. He wished he could shut it off but it persisted and popped back to haunt him.

The short walk from the catwalk to the drinks area took 20 minutes. He was stopped several times by business clients, acquaintances wanting to greet him and have a chat, then there was a gaggle of glitterati who materialised conveniently as the official photographer passed by. There was a lot of smiling into the camera, everyone posed just so, with a champagne glasses held at the perfect angle. Damien smiled and patiently manoeuvred around the floor. As he got closer to Josephine Georgio he made sure that they made eye contact. The flirting process had begun. When he finally greeted her with a huge charming smile she was already totally smitten. What unmated young female wouldn't be when the Alpha was paying such obvious attention to her. The group of friends that had surrounded her disappeared discreetly and they were left to get to know each other.

He'd had only a few minutes of pleasant conversation when his father appeared at his elbow and started to blustering. The poor gir, as sophisticated as she thought she was, wasn't a match for his father's bully. He arrogantly started to bombard the stunned girl with inappropriate question as if she was in the middle of a job interview. His stood way to close and pointed his finger in her face as if she was a naughty child who didn't answer a question fast enough. It was like some had thrown a hand grenade into the crowd, everyone including Damien stood paralysed, so stunned that for a few moments we just stared and watched the bizarre performance. Unfortunately, before he could pull him away without to many of the other guests noticing the increasingly flustered looking young woman that Damos was badgering was about to burst into tears, her father appeared.

He was quite an elderly elegant looking man, with a shock of pepper and salt hair and thick moustache. He jumped between Damos and his daughter. His wolf was past it's prime but it growled as any protective parent would. Damos who was always ready to end an argument with his fists took this as a personal attack he growled menacingly, his fangs dropped and his claws started to extend. Mr. Georgio cowered but did not move, standing in front of his daughter who was terrified.  Damos sent the man tumbling backwards with one hard push.  He knocked over a table as he went down, his daughter crashing to the floor in another direction.  Every eye was on them.  Including security guards at the doors at the far end of the venue.

Damien grabbed Damos by the front of his suit and dragged him off away from the main crowd. He used all his strength to send him flying like a rag doll, he fell and slid across the polished floor. His humiliation was complete. Damien's eyes glared into his. In a harsh whisper Damien said " I AM THE ALPHA father don't forget that. Have you lost your mind...there are humans here."

He would have never imagined his father on his hands and knees or him putting his father in that position.

Damien pushed the thoughts out of his head.  He pulled the folder the PA left for him and started reading.


The bakery is open half day on Sundays. So as soon as noon hits I'm out the door and rushing home. James stays on at the shop and helps out his dad cleaning up ready for the next week. When I get home I treat myself to a long and I mean long shower. James can be an old woman and whines endless about taking 3minute showers. He pays the bills so I don't care.

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