06 | fools gold

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IT WAS BRIGHT and early the next morning that Emerson was to meet at John B's place to set out in search of the the Royal Merchant

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IT WAS BRIGHT and early the next morning that Emerson was to meet at John B's place to set out in search of the the Royal Merchant. She quickly rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and threw on one of her many swim suits underneath a tie-dye t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts.

"You're up early," Ashley murmured as her daughter slung her backpack over her shoulder. She was still waking up herself, sitting at the kitchen island with her hand wrapped around a mug of coffee.

"Yeah," Emerson chirped. "I figured I'd get a head start on studying today, wanna see if they have any additional materials at the library."

A faint smile tugged at Ashley George's face and she nodded. "Alright," she said. "I have to go to the mainland today to speak to a client, so I won't be back until late tonight. I might just get a hotel room there, so don't fret if I don't come home."

Emerson hated to admit it, but the idea of her mother not being home to breathe down her neck gave her immense relief. She wasn't used to lying to her about her whereabouts, so the longer she stayed gone, the better.

"Okay," Emerson replied. "Bye."

She didn't give her mother a chance to respond before she was slipping out the door and scurrying towards the chateau. Emerson hadn't realized just how excited she was to join the Pogues on their latest adventure, but she was practically chomping at the bit to go along with them. She was glad that Pope had invited her and basically insisted she come.

The friend group was just making their way to the boat when Emerson arrived, nervously gripping her backpack as she followed them down the dock. "Emerson!" Pope cheered as he set the large vase containing the ROV down inside the boat.

"Hey, I'm glad you could make it," John B said with a grin. He extended his hand to help her into the boat and she thanked him quietly with a small smile.

"Again?" Kiara groaned. "What is she even gonna do?"

"I'm sure there's something she can help with," John B said confidently. "Don't be so bitter." He patted Kie's shoulder playfully as he brushed past her and joined JJ in the cabin. Kie bristled as she glared at Emerson, who sighed and shrugged her bag to the floor.

"You could at least be a little nicer," Pope drawled as he stared at the curly haired girl. When she didn't answer and just rolled her eyes, growing visibly angrier, Pope continued. "Kie, she's in this now. John B told her about everything and he said that she's cool. So she can't be that bad, right?"

Kie snapped her head over to Pope and scowled at the boy. "Why are you defending her?" She asked incredulously.

Pope looked over to Emerson and gave her a warm smile. "Because I think she's cool too."

"Oh, please," Kie muttered, turning away from the two of them and stalking to the other end of the boat. Emerson gave Pope a thankful smile and mouthed him a thank you, to which he just nodded.

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