17 | the beginning of the end

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THE ISLAND WAS crawling with cops

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THE ISLAND WAS crawling with cops. Emerson didn't think she'd ever seen this many law enforcements in one place in her entire life, except for shows like Law and Order or NCIS. What was even worse was the fact that they were all here for her friend, who hadn't even done anything wrong in the first place. Emerson could deny the outcomes all day long but no matter how hard she tried, that logical part of her knew there was no way John B was getting out of this. The fantasies they had entertained about running from cops, getting the gold, and escaping to some faraway place were just fallacies now, naive beliefs of children who had nowhere else to turn.

Kie had managed to find an abandoned garage deep in the island and parked her car there so the Pogues could regroup. They could still see the road from it, unfortunately, so everyone had to slouch down to conceal themselves. Emerson winced as a siren blared loudly nearby, and JJ craned his neck haut enough to peer out the window as a police car flew past them. Emerson sunk further in her seat, holding her breath until the siren faded into the distance and left the group sitting in a deafening silence.

"Alright, let's game this out," JJ spoke up with a sigh. He yanked his hat off his head and forced his hand through his disheveled hair nervously, trying to hide his shaking hands. "Maybe someone else can help since, y'know, I'm not the smart one, but... who are the cops gonna believe? Ward Cameron, or us?"

The group was silent once more as they all shifted in their seats, and John B closed his eyes. Emerson almost groaned when JJ started talking again, immediately wishing he'd just shut up so as not to stress them out anymore.

"Ward Cameron, lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kinda person, and the accused... is John B. Who is pretty much a homeless 16 year old boy at the moment."

"Thanks," John B muttered, rubbing his temples with his hands.

"Look, Yucatán, alright?" JJ's voice was strained and exasperated, like he was growing tired of trying to convince everyone that his idea was the best one. "That's the only open. What other option do you have?"

"JJ, enough with the Mexico bullshit," John B groaned. He fluttered his eyes closed once more and sighed as JJ lit a blunt. Emerson furrowed her eyebrows, staring at JJ in disbelief. Where did he even get that from and how did he have so many? "Sarah's gonna bail me out."

"She did witness the whole thing," Kie said. Emerson wasn't sure if Kie believed Sarah would actually come to John B's aid or if she was just trying to appease him. As much as she wanted to believe in Sarah, she knew what it was like to have overbearing parents and that sentiment seemed unlikely.

"And she's gonna snitch on her brother?" Pope queried, disbelieving. "It's not gonna happen, bro," JJ chorused. He took a long hit of the blunt steadied between his fingers as he spoke. "We gotta get you off the island."

"Okay, what about Emerson's mom?" John B huffed. He lifted his head enough to look at the girl, who was frowning down at him.

"You ran from the cops, John B," Emerson said quietly. "They have a whole search party out for you right now. I hate to say it, but JJ might be right. If you have a chance to get away before it's too late, take it."

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