Silenced At A price

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Viktor was currently laying in bed, sick.

"Viktor, are you sure you don't need anything?" Jayce was accommodating to every single need that Viktor had. If he needed a glass of warm water, he would get it. If he needed another blanket, he would get it. If he wanted a kiss, he would... Well, maybe not, but there were many things Jayce would do for his sick partner.

"Yes, I'm fine, Jayce." His silky accent flowing through his teeth. "Go back to the lab. We have to work on the mechanical arm more." He demanded that Jayce go back to the lab whenever he could, but Jayce stayed by his side every second of the day.

"I can't leave your side, Vik." Viktors eyes widened a bit as a response to the sudden use of his nickname. "What if something happens?"

"You know how Heimerdinger is. If we want the Mechanical claw and atlas gauntlet to be a success, we have to work on it more." Viktor then spiralled into an endless loop of coughing. He grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and wiped the little drops of blood that were surrounding his mouth.

He was slowly recovering from his deadly disease, however the price of that was being sick once more. Luckily, this was just some influenza type sickness, and wasn't as crazy as the major illness beforehand.

"Fine. I'm going to have Sky be in the building, though. Call for Sky, and she'll call for me." Jayce picked up a piece of paper from the nightstand and began writing a note to Sky.

Satisfied with the fact that Jayce was going to get some work kicked in, Viktor turned over slowly in his bed and closed his eyes. He muttered a small "goodbye, Jayce." and fell into a deep slumber.

A few hours later, Sky was sitting in the room, a few feet away from the bed as ordered by Viktor. He had made Jayce do this as well, as he didn't want anyone else to get sick.

"Mm..." Viktors eyes fluttered open as he turned around again slowly to look at the lady in front of him. "H-hi.. Sky." He greeted her with an effortless wave and a raspy voice. He breathed out slowly, and inhaled slowly before asking Sky to get Jayce in a barely audible voice.

Sky nodded and pushed open the doors quietly, rushing over to the lab.

"Jayce, it's Viktor." Sky called for Jayce, grabbing his attention quite quickly at the mention of both his name and Viktor.

"Did anything bad happen?" Jayce packed away some of the stuff he had been working on, and pushed the other unnecessary gunk away to the edge of the working space.

"No, he's calling for you though. I'm unsure as to why." SKy informed him and stepped out of the lane of the door. "He's just woken up." She added on, leaving the room after Jayce did so she could check out what was going on.

Jayce walked into the room and waved to Viktor.

"Hey, V. How's it going?" Viktor held up a small but understandable thumbs up and smiled at the sight of Jayce. "That's good. You called for me, though?" Jayce noticed that the man perked up a bit at that. "Is everything okay?"

Viktor was trying to figure out a way to communicate what was going on to Jayce.

He sat up a big straighter in order to use his hands properly, then pointed to his throat.

Staring at him in confusion, Jayce dismissed Sky and continued to try and decipher what Viktor was trying to say.

"Vik, what are you trying to say?" He chuckled a bit, looking at the dismissed blankets on the edge of the bed. It must've gotten a bit warmer since he left.

Viktor groaned painfully and sat up even straighter. He rolled his eyes and then pointed to his mouth. Maybe this would do the trick?

"I'm still not following." Jayce's smile faded away as he continued to struggle with the undecipherable puzzle.

Viktor noticed the paper on the nightstand and picked it up, motioning for the pencil that was sitting farther away from it. He wasn't able to reach it, considering he was strictly bedridden by none other than Jayce.

If he had the will to, he would've been in the lab, working his ass off. However, he decided to listen to Jayce FOR ONCE and see how it would play out.

Jayce saw him pointing towards the pencil eagerly, and gave it to him. What on Earth was he about to do..?

Preparing for the worst, Jayce bent over a little to see the paper clearer.

My throat hurts. It's hard to speak!!!

"I see." Jayce nodded and stood up. "Well, what can I do to at least try and help with that?"

"Wat-" Viktor was about to ask for water before remembering about his vocal conditions. He then began to cough lightly and put his hand up to his mouth to feel if there was any blood surrounding it. Luckily, there wasn't.

Through the spree of coughing, Jayce caught the message and left the room to get water. He kept the door open in case of an emergency, and then quickly returned in order to give the sick man his water.

After taking a few sips, Jayce asked him how he felt.

"Does the water help?" He looked around the room, observing the objects. This was the extra bedroom they had in the lab, for when Viktor refused to sleep even 30 feet away from it.

Viktor shrugged and put the water to his side with little struggle. He leaned back on the pillows that he stacked vertically behind himself and sighed, rubbing his eyes carefully.

"Do you need any medicine?" Jayce was really trying his best.

Viktor chuckled carefully and muttered a little "You think?" and looked at Jayce.

"Well, yeah. Obviously." Jayce nervously looked away and touched the back of his neck. "Let me... go... get that??" He replied, a little bit off hook from reality.

Viktor closed his tired eyes again, hoping to grasp a few more Z's. That is, until Jayce came barging in to complain about how all of the medicine had been used already for Viktors previous sicknesses due to his deadly disease.

Viktor did a very specific and well known hand movement (gay hand) to shrug it off and relaxed in his bed again. He curled up into a ball before glancing at Jayce in the doorway.

"Come here?" He questioned and demanded at once.

"Oh- Okay." Jayce awkwardly made his way towards the bed and sat down on it.

"Won't you get sick if you're too close to me?" Viktor managed to get out bigger sentences slowly, but he drank a few more sips of water straight after doing so.

"I'm sure I won't. The world would disappear in seconds if the Man of Progress got sick!" He joked around, and managed to make Viktor giggle slightly.

"Progress?" Viktor quizzed. "How did we go from the City of Progress to the Man of progress?"

"Not sure. Maybe it's a one time thing?" Jayce looked out the window above the nightstand and looked back at Viktor. "I believe it should be the Men of change. You're most definitely the reason why I have such fancy equipment and clothing, and a whole city branded with my name."

"I would agree, but I'm too tired to rant about it." Viktor complained and fluttered his eyes shut.

"Right. I'll let you sleep more. Can you walk?" Jayce stood up and asked him.

"A little. It'll take a few minutes to get from here to your lab, though. But that's not much of a problem." Viktor informed him, getting cozy under the bundles of blankets.

"As long as it doesn't hurt." Jayce smiled and got to the threshold of the door before making one last remark to Viktor. "Remember, call me or 'walk to me in the span of a few minutes' if you need me!"

"Okay. Love you-" Viktor mentally slapped himself and covered his face immediately.

"Woah." Jayce was giddy and bewildered at the same time about that. "Well, love you too." He then exited out of the room, leaving Viktor blushing crazily. 

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