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You hated Akura-Ou with a burning passion but you yearned for his touch- even if it left bruises on your skin. Maybe you were a masochist, maybe he was using some sort of demon magic or you were just crazy. You didn't know, you didn't want to know, the reason why you were feeling that way.

Everyone in the village called you Akura-Ou's whore, a traitor of all human kind. In the beginning, their words burrowed into your heart like spears, making you wince every time you've heard them. Now...

Now, you were cool, even smiling when you heard the gossips. Even Akura-Ou found them amusing. Well, he found everything related to you amusing and he did not hide the fact.

"You're smiling." Akura-Ou commented, one finger trailing your lower lip. His touch sent tingles through the plump flesh. "Is my company so pleasurable for you?"

Your eyelids fluttered, long eyelashes brushing your cheekbones like wings of a feather. Why was he so gentle with you? Why did he have to make you even more confused than you already were? Did he enjoy torturing you so much?

"Don't..." He whispered, cupping your face in both hands and making you look in his face. "Don't be sad."

Again with those words and gestures. Was Akura-Ou so cruel?

"Why shouldn't I be?" You queried in turn. Was that care in Akura-Ou's eyes? "Why shouldn't I be sad when..."


"When you act like this, when you befuddle me with your actions." You leaned against the demon's chest, your forehead on his collarbone. "It is as if you care."

"Maybe I do."


"Nothing, woman." Akura-Ou growled, pushing you gently away. So gently. "Stop being so leaky, you'll stain my shirt."

You choked out a laugh, grabbing Akura-Ou around the waist and pulled him back to you, hugging him. He didn't push you away despite how huffy he was being.

Then he hugged you back.

Just Peachy [Akura-Ou]Where stories live. Discover now