Against the World

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Everyone has told you that Akura-Ou is bad news. People gave you explicit orders: don't touch him, look at him, don't breathe the same air and, for the love of all that's holy, don't even pass by him because, surely, Akura-Ou would do terrible, terrible things to you- lead you to ruin. Despite all those terrible, horrifying, stories, you have been fascinated by the auburn haired man in leather pants and more make-up on his face than a normal girl.

There was something in the way his dark eyes would follow you as you passed by, how he hungrily devoured your lips when you met in secrecy. And, as cliche as this affair was, you loved every single moment of it. You have fallen in love with this skinny bastard who loved peaches more than he loved you.

Despite his, somewhat, cruel personality and odd quirks, Akura-Ou was an attentive lover, he wasn't lazy. He was active in your life, even if he did have to hide and keep himself in the shadows, He did that, all for your sake. Sometimes, though, he snapped, not wanting to hide from your family but, then, he would calm down and everything was fine again. He would cup your face and lean his forehead against yours and just gaze into your eyes until the raging desire to take you away would fade. Akura-Ou loved you far too much to hurt you by harming your family. 

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