Part One||A New Friend

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High School can be a challenge at most, it can be ridiculous and it can be dangerous. There are certain ways to deal with it. Either ignore the problem or deal with it. Yeah, not many options, but they way or another. This is a story revolving around Javi Garcia, the Black Dino Fury Ranger.


Javi walked to the cafeteria, singing lightly as he went. Javi Garcia enjoyed playing music and singing, and luckily for him, he was born with that particular artistic talent. He is a quiet person, doesn't like to talk much unless it's with his family or friends. At the most, he speaks through his music. He's part Spanish, has a twin sister (though they aren't identical), has a step-mom and sister (who he loves just as much as he loves his biological family) and a disapproving father. Yeah, the Park Warden. Javi's father  resented his talent, for a reason no one will ever know.

Javi finally reached the cafeteria, where he found his friends sitting by a table. He smiled as he reached the table.

"Hey guys" Javi greeted. Drew waved at him.

"Hey dude, what's up?" Drew asked him. Javi smiled.

"The sky" Javi replied causing everyone to snicker at Drew, who just rolled his eyes. "Dude, lighten up, I was just joking. I'm doing good"
(I believe you remember when I used that greeting on you, LMAO)

"I know you were just joking, but it's ridiculous how you always use that trick on me..." Drew pouted. Deker shook her head.

"Maybe it's because you always get upset about it, you baby" She told him. Michael nodded.

"Yeah man, just... you know... man up" He said patting his shoulder condescendingly. Mei then piped up.

"Did you guys hear about the new girl?" She said whispering. Everyone shook their heads.

"What new girl?" Sergio asked, confused. They all knew that of anyone were to receive news of any kind involving school would be Mei, as she's the school's news reporter.

"How do you not know?!" She whispered shouted. "She got enrolled here yesterday..."

"Oh" Ryan said before smirking. "Is she cute?"

With that question, all of his friends looked at him as if he is crazy. Ryan just raised his hands in the air.

"I was just asking!" He protested. Cody rolled his eyes.

"Well, DON'T" He warned. Ryan sighed.

"Don't be such a buzz kill, DC" Ryan told his brother, causing him to groan.

"There she is!" Mei yelled excitedly as her friends looked in her direction. However, they all became sympathetic when they saw she was alone.

"That girl looks like she's been deserted in the Kalahari Desert" Deker commented. "We should do something about that... "

"Like what?" Brady asked her. She signalled them to come a little closer as she revealed her plan.

"Ignore her.. " Deker suggested as they groaned.

"I'm not leaving her alone, so no one ignore her" Javi said rolling his eyes. Deker sighed.

"We don't know what that girl's intention is, we..we could get hurt" Deker explained as Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"We could get hurt by what? The ghost of Christmas?" She remarked sarcastically. "Javi, just bring her over"

"Will do" Javi said standing up. He carefully approached her, before tapping her shoulder. She turned around, revealing her physical appearance. She was about half a foot shorter than Javi. Her brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, and she was wearing a black denim shirt, a white shirt and a pink plaid shirt on top. She looked surprised.

"Um, hi" The girl said shyly.

Javi almost forgot how to breath.

Javi had never laid eyes on such a beautiful girl. Even her voice was mesmerizing. He watched as she fiddled with her necklace before he smiled.

"Hi, I... um...couldn't help but notice that you were alone?" He said before mentally kicking himself.


Instead she flashed him a smile, a warm smile that caused him to melt inside.

"Yeah I'm alone, it's not a problem" She said continuing to fiddle with her necklace.

"Nice necklace" Javi said, noting the golden dragon shaped pendant that she kept fiddling with. She smiled.

"It, uh...belonged to my mother" She told him. Javi took a deep breath before asking:

"Would you like to join me and my friends?" He asked as her face had a shocked expression.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah, come on" He said taking her hand. He just smiled at her as he lead her to the table.

"I'm Javi, by the way" He said with the warm smile still plastered on his face.

"And I'm Amelia" She told him. "You're a really nice person"

"Thanks" Javi said blushing slightly. "I have a feeling the others will like you too"

They sat by the table, at which Javi began to introduce her.

"Hey, look who I brought" He said smiling. "This is Amelia"






"Hi... everyone" Amelia said shyly.

"She's not cute, she's HOT" Javi heard Ryan whisper to Cody, or DC. He decided to ignored it.

"You are a fine looking lady" Ryan said causing everyone to drop their mouths open.

" thanks" Amelia responded uncomfortably. Javi glared at Ryan, who just rolled his eyes.

Too bad, no one could prepare him for what the future holds. This is In Real Life || The Black Dino Fury Ranger's Story.

Chapter One redone. Hope you will enjoy it.



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One of my closest friends birthday is on New Year's Day

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One of my closest friends birthday is on New Year's Day. So happy birthday to him!!! 😘🌌

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