Part Four||Blast from the Past

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Izzy Garcia made her way through the crowds that blocked her from moving freely. She kept checking her phone, looking at the text she had received. She had wondered why Icy Stevens had texted her while she was eating lunch with her sister.

She and Icy were... 'friends'. Icy had known her, Javi, Cass and Amelia for a long time. They discovered that they both enjoyed athletics, and had bonded over it...sort of.

Her mind however, drifted from that, and began to focus on other things. Amelia Jones.

Seeing her the previous day was a surprise. And the way she had seen her surprised her even more. She had never expected to find her with Javi, of all people. She remembered when she was 2 years old, when her mother, Rina, had told her that they would join a new family. She had been skeptical about it, of course, but who wouldn't? She didn't even know who her father was.

When they had arrived at the house painted white on the outside, in the beautiful and quiet neighborhood, she had been nervous. She was scared that her new family would not accept her, she was scared that her family would abandon her, just like her father did. But she was surprised when she was welcomed with open arms.

Izzy and her mom had gone to the backyard, where they found two 4 year olds playing with a Frisbee. Izzy squinted her eyes at them, and immediately noticed that they were twins. One boy and one girl. Izzy had also noticed that they had a few... noticeable differences. The boy had dark hair, almost black actually. And his skin, in terms of complexion, was a bit darker than the girl's. The girl had dark brown hair, with a lighter skin complexion.

She watched as the boy fell backwards having failed to catch the Frisbee. The girl burst into laughter.

"No fair! Cass, STOP LAUGHING AT MEE!" The boy had complained. Cass wiped tears from her eyes.

"Sorry Javi, but that was HILARIOUS!" Cass had said as her brother pouted. They turned their heads in the direction of the young girl and her mother. Izzy had become self-conscious and had shrunk into herself a little. She was surprised when Javi had come to her, taking her hand and dragging her to the lawn.

"Come play with us!" Javi said to her. Cass rolled her eyes.

"How do you tell someone to play with you, when you already dragged them here?" She asked face palming.

"I wasn't gonna take no for an answer" Javi had stated, causing Izzy to laugh.

Izzy smiled at the memory. But then her mind began to remember a dark period. The day Javi got involved in an accident. She didn't know what had happened that day, all she remembered was her mom and dad rushing with Cass and herself to the hospital. When she entered the room, and saw Javi, unconscious, she felt like her whole world was collapsing. Javi, Amelia and Cass had been in the 7th Grade at the time, with Izzy being in the 5th Grade. She also remembered seeing Amelia there, right next to Javi, holding his hand as tears streamed down her face. Amelia had been crying uncontrollably. That was the first time the youngest Garcia had seen Amelia so, so broken.

A few days down the line, Amelia had stopped visiting Javi, more specifically, after he had woken up. Izzy and Cass had wondered what was going on, because she and Javi had always been so close. Had they gotten into an argument? Was there something they were hiding? No, it was worse than that.

Izzy, Cass and Rina had been beside Javi's bed, smiling with tears of joy as they saw the dark haired boy, who had woken up. Izzy was curious to find out why Amelia had stopped visiting him and wanted to ask why. Apparently Cass had been thinking about that too, and had beat her to it. But none of them had been prepared for his answer.

"Who's Amelia?" He had asked them.

"Sweetie, she's your best friend, remember?" Rina had asked him. Javi shook his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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