Let loose.

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"oi Mrs Bluntness ~" he called as I turned my head and saw his face nearly cm away from mine. I shriek as I hit his headd blushes.

"Buahahahahhaahahhaahahahaha that was priceless" he started to laugh.

"Tsk!" I went to
My door and slammed it as I slide down.

"This is too much." I thought as I felt how my ears heated.
~2 hour before the party~
Erza P.O.V

I sat there, in my room, looked up,afraid to open the door because he was there watching TV. I sighed.
God really doesn't love me. I don't know why but my heart was beating.

"Thumb Thumb" I could hear it, that's how loud it was beating. I went to my closet and tried to find something to wear. Not that I ever cared of what I had on..... Until now?! I hit my cheeks two times.

"What's wrong with me today?" I whispered to myself.

"Since when did I become self conscious?" I asked myself. I sighed and took out black thorn jeans and a gray hoodie, with my leather jacket on top. I went in front of the mirror and debating in my head weather or weather not to have my hair as a bun or just leave it. And I decided to have it in a ponytail as usual.

"Done!" I said and opened the door to the living room. I looked around and found Jellal sleeping in my couch.
Then I thought of a devilish plan and went around looking for a pen. I picked the pen then tip toed my way to him and was about to draw on his face but as soon as I was about to he held my hand and attacked pinning me against the floor. I was shocked staring at him.

"What was that...?" I asked

"Hnng" he answered and rubbed his eyes as he saw me.

"Oh hello there" he yawned and was still on top off me. Staring at each other for a while until I finally snapped.


"Let me grope you heheheh ." He asked with a smirk on his face. I glared at him and kicked him between his legs as I stood up.

" Aren't we suppose to leave now?" I asked as I look back at him holding his crotch.

"IT HURTSSSSS WHY THERE ?!" He screamed.

"Because why not heh." I answered back. He stood up and went to open the door. "Lets go" he said as we went out and as I followed him to his car. His car was amaazing.

"Dude, nice car." I commented.

"I'm glad my car could make you happy." he chuckled and went in the car. I sat in the front and buckled my seat belt on as he started driving.

It was quiet. It has been like this for 30 min now. Just us sitting there while he was driving as I was looking out the window not really knowing where to look. He decided to break the ice and switch on the radio as it starts to play. I looked at him.

"Why did you switch it on?" I asked even though obviously I knew the reason. He looked around trying to find a reason.

"Uhhh because....." he started.


"Because I...."

"Because you?"

"Because I like music.... yea I like music that's why." He finally answered.

"Pffft." I got out then held my hands over mouth trying not to laugh.

"O-Of cours- GHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" I burst out in laughter. He looked a little annoyed as he turned a little red.

"Whatever." he said with annoyed voice and looked out again.

"Ohoho is little "Jelly-kun" embarrassed?" I said trying not to laugh as I poked his cheek.

"Oh shut up, she calls me that because she wants to eat me because I taste like jelly wink wink"

"What the f-"

"Erza Scarlet, it was a joke for christ sake." he stated as he tried not to laugh as I got annoyed.

"That sounded so lewd in soooo many ways"

"That was the point genius." he said then looked at me then out the front window again.

"Tsk whatever." I frowned as he parked.

"We are here." He said with excitement and looked at me.

"Woah wipe away your frown, its a freaking party. time to let it loose." he said as he went out of the car.

"Let....loose.." I facepalmed and went out of the car as well. Loud music was blasting out of the house in front of us. I looked around seeing so many cars and people.

"You coming?" Jellal asked look back at me.

"...." I just nod my head and followed.

I'm sorry minna-san, I wrote this a long time ago but I was so clumsy and stupid I forgot to save so it deleted and I had to make everything from scratch. -hits head against wall and bows- GOMENASAI MINNA-SAN nyaa ; ~;

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