・Freedom ! ・

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「 may change POV's , sorry xP 」
" It's fine Sunny. " i said. Why did i say that ? Nothing was fine about getting bruises from a freaky nighttime robot ! " Y/N , those bruises are from Moon ! He hurt you , it isn't finE ! " Sunny said. I could tell he was really concerned for me. I stood up & held out my hand. " If you're really worried then.. i guess you can treat me. " Sunny smiled.

After he was done , i sighed when i looked at the bandages. This new job.. was really a hassle. I don't wanna keep getting hurt. The pay is good , but , is it really worth it ??
" Y/N ? Are you okAyyy " Sunny was in front of me , swaying back & forth. So goofy. I went up to hug him. " Thank you Sunny. " He returned the hug , then twirling me around.

" Hey , Sun ? " i decided to ask him more about Moon. He tilted his head with curiosity. " Can you tell me more about Moon ? I'd like to know a bit more about him. " " Well if yOu insist ! Uhh , where should i even begin ! " it took him a while to think. " Moon is me , you know that. He's more...aggressive. He doesn't know how to communicate well. He was programmed to help children sleep , but , for some reason he's really hostile with it. He calls them rule-breakers if they don't !! " Huh , rule-breakers. " The children are also kinda scared of him , so they cry when he tries to help. He gets annoyed and.. yeAh ! "

Annoyed with kids ? Isn't his job to.. never mind. " Interesting. " you muttered. " So he's just misunderstood ? " Sun nodded. " If you wanna look at it like that , yeah ! He is just misunderstood. But... the damage has already been done. Can't reAlly do anything to fix it ! " You stared at Sun. Damage ? Does he mean how Moon.. ' harms ' people ? Huh , you wanted to know more , but that was enough for tonight. You looked at your watch. " I should get going Sun ! I'll be back tomorrow. " You said. Sun pouted. " dO you have to goooooo ? " You nodded , smiling. You gave him a hug before heading to the huge doors. " Hey , Y/N. Before you go , i'd like to say thank you !! Please don't think about quitting.. "
"I'll think about it~ "

As you exited the building , you headed to your car. You put your hand on your chest. WHY IS HE SO CUTE ?!!

( SO SORRY IF THIS IS SHORT , IM NOT GOOD W STORIES WAAAA ! This was more of a part to explain a bit more about Moon >< )

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