・Another Day~・

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Sun jumped up & climbed up where you were to help you down. He lifted you up bridal style , smiling widely as usual. " Hopefully you got enough rest , sunshine !! Today's gonna be bUsy ! " he said , jumping off. " Gah ! Y-Yeah , i think i did — " you were definitely awake now. He placed you down , putting his hands on his hips. " You check the kids in , will ya ? I'll prepare for the fun~!! " He then skipped away. You sighed & smiled.

You heard the first kid arrive. Then the second , then third. The kids were practically now FLOODING in. You cleared out their names one by one quickly. Once all the children seemed to be there , you put your clipboard thingy down & went to join Sunny. " hEllo children !! I'm so glad to see you all again !! Someone tell me , what's something excited they did recently ?!! " he beamed happily. A little boy shyly raised his hand. " Ah , you there ! Share something with us , wont you ?! " The little boy cleared his throat. " Well , yesterday i got a new kitten ! " he said. Sunny awkwardly smiled. " O-Oh ! A kitten ? Ah , that's , that's awesome !! " he brushed it off quickly. " Anyone else as brave as this little star ? " You noticed a little girl fiddling with her hair , hesitating to raise her hand. You gently tapped her shoulder. " Hey , do you have something to share ? " She nervously looked at you as Sun continued interacting with the rest of the kids. " Y-Yeah , but i'm scared to share. " she whispered to you. " Aw well , that's okay ! Don't be scared , i'll be here to support you. Just share it quick , & it'll be over as soon as you know it ! " You gave her a reassuring smile. She nodded & smiled back.

She raised her hand now confidently. " Yoo-hoo , Sunny ! This little star has something to share ! " you called. Sun looked at you , then the girl. " Ah , you ! What do you have to share ?! " The girl glanced at you , then at Sun. " I-I umm , I went to the zoo !! I-I saw all sorts of cool animals , a-and i really liked it !! " she said out loud. You quietly clapped for her , smiling. " You did it ! "

After kids shared what they did , they all went their separate ways. A lot of kids went to play , some stayed to finger-paint. The same little girl tugged on your shirt. " E-Excuse me !! " she said. " C-Can you draw with me..? " You smiled & nodded. " Of course !! I'd be happy to. " She giggled & took your hand , leading you to the small tables.

— Suns POV —

I watched as Y/N spoke to the little girl so calmly. They're amazing !! They're even going to go draw with her...they're so pretty. I could watch them forever.. oh , they're holding hands !! Aw , i wi — " Wish that was you , huh Mr. Sun ? " I looked down to see Brian. Oh of course that little troublemaker would say something ! " Oh , Brian ! I'm glad you're here , but , what do you mean ? " I asked politely. He grinned at me. " I saw the way you looked at them ! You wish you were holding their hand , don't you ? " He snickered. Golly , he was really good at reading people wasn't he ? Err , robots , in my case. " N-Now now ! Let's not jump to conclusions , here ! " He snickered again. " You're not denying it , so i'm right !! " He grabbed my hand , pulling me to the tables. Ah gee , what's he doing ?!!

— your POV —
I picked up an orange crayon , & began doodling whatever came to mind. I picked up a yellow crayon too. Sofia was drawing a pretty little garden. Neat ! " Hmm , should i do roses or tulips ? " She asked me. I gave it a thought. " Roses would look pretty , don't you think ? " she nodded & grabbed red , scribbling on little bulbs.
I was adding little details to my doodles until i heard a boy laughing. I glanced up to see Sunny right in front of me , with a boy gripping his hand. The boy was smiling widely , as for Sunny.. he was... blushing ?

" Well , Mr. Sun , go for it ! "

What was going on ?


( hii guys , sorry i haven't posted a lot !! to be honest , the story really has no plot , so i'm just gonna write a bunch of fluff stuff from here on out ! I'm open to any ideas / suggestions though , sooooo yea !! woo school sucks ;; )

( hii guys , sorry i haven't posted a lot !! to be honest , the story really has no plot , so i'm just gonna write a bunch of fluff stuff from here on out ! I'm open to any ideas / suggestions though , sooooo yea !! woo school sucks ;; )

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