・i wanna go home ! ・

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As you finished eating , you remembered you didn't get the chance to tell Vanessa about the kid. As you stood up to go try again , Moon gently pushed you back down. " And where do you think you're going ? " he asked. " I have to report to Vanessa about the kid , remember ? Now , if you'll excu— " he put his hand up. " No , you're staying here. It's too dangerous out there for you. " he said. You rolled your eyes. " Please , it's a garbage eating chicken who's malfunctioning. It's not that bad , Moon !! Plus , it's my job ! "

He still looked at you , not changing his mind. " If you don't let me do my job , wouldn't that mean i'm a rule breaker ? " He scoffed. " Then i guess you're a rule breaker then , darling. " Is he for real ? You sighed & started to crawl toward a tower of those cylinder things ( bro what are they called ) Moon watched you. " What are you doing ? Why are you crawling like that — "

You knocked over the cylinders on purpose , watching Moon rush over to clean up. You took this as a chance to dash for the door. You opened them & ran. " Wh — Y/N !! Oh , you are so done for.. "

Gaaah i wanna go home !! Now i have this grumpy Moon trying to get me back !! You kept running until you heard Chica. She noticed you running & came your way. Oh my gosh are you KIDDING me. You ran away from her , until you saw Vanessa. " VANESSA ! VANESSA PLE— " you were out of breath , reaching out to her. " Y/N ?? Are you alright ? " she noticed Chica. " Goodness Chica.. go look for the kid !! "

You took her hand. " I'm okay now , thank you. Oh ! I have news on the kid. " She was listening. " He passed through the daycare & he DID cause some trouble , Sun kicked him out though. He was last seen on the left side of the building. " Vanessa nodded. " Thank you Y/N , i hope that rascal didn't cause too much trouble. You can return to the daycare now , just be careful of the animatronics. I don't get what's up with them right now ! "

As she turned & walked away , something grabbed you & lifted you up. Oh god it's Moon. " Y/N.. you didn't listen to me at all... how naughty. You really do deserve a punishment don't you~? " he said. " Heh.. i'm putting you in timeout~ " you groaned. " Ughh but Moon !! I did my job at least ! " He shook his head , lowering himself down. " I don't care about that , you didn't listen to me ! That is against my rules. " he hissed.

He carried you back to the daycare , glaring at every animatronic. Especially Chica. " I will never understand why she has a thing for trash.. it's humiliating. " he muttered. " I don't get it either. " Once you got back to the daycare , he threw you on the ground. " Ouch — Moon !! Be careful next time , will you ? " He grinned. " What are you planning now.. "

Before he could even talk , the lights in the daycare flickered on. " O-Oh , Y/N !! Oh gee you're on the floor , what happened ?! Here , let me help you up !! :( " he held out his hand , helping you up. He quickly scanned you for any injuries. " Are you okay ?! What happened ?? It smells like chips in here.. ooh & fizzy faz!! gah never mind that. Y/N ?! " he was speaking so quickly. " I'm fine Sun , thank you. Moon just decided to be grumpy. "

Sun sighed. " Ah ! Well , did you rEport to Vanessa ?! I remember youu wEre doing that before I weNt poof !! " You nodded , & smiled. " Yes , that's all taken care of. " you wrapped your arms around yourself. I really wanna go home.. this job is so exhausting & cold ! Sun grabbed you & held you close to him , your face pushing up against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you. You could hear the gears in him whirring , as if he was somewhat purring. " yOu seem cold ! Does this help ?! " He was a literal robot made out of metal. Although , he was warm. I mean he is a Sun... & he wasn't that hard since he was made out of metal. He was designed for kids anyway , it would only make sense.

You smiled. " Thank you , Sunny. " " Mhm ! Of course , my sunshine~ " You blushed. His Sunshine , huh ?

( HII GUYS iTS 2 AM !! I'm going to sleep after this , but hey !! I hope you all are doing well , & i'm sort of getting back into the flow of writing. Also i make no sense rn , my brain is collapsing. anwywyagayayyas i'm sleeping now <3 )


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