・Misunderstood ・

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You kept your hand on top of his. " Moon , I know you don't intend on hurting us. " you say. " But , you end up doing it anyways. If anything , i know you just want to help. " Moon stares into your eyes. Creepy , but sad.

He finally sighs. " I just... i do want to help. Everyone is scared of me. What else am i supposed to do ?? " he says. " How am i supposed to help if everyone just runs away ? how do i make them stay.. ?? They all just.. leave. They don't LISTEN to me. They all.. annoy me. "

You can feel him getting more tense. " Rule-breakers... all of them.. never listen.. " You hold his hand. He snaps out of it , focusing on you again. " Moon , i know you mean well. You're just.. misunderstood. " His eyes widen. That word must've done wonders to him , because the next thing you know , Moon is hugging you tightly. Oh okay , this 6 foot tall robot man is hugging me. That's fine. You carefully return the hug , wrapping your arms around him. Moon sighed. " Seems like you understand me. That's funny.. you don't seem to annoy me as much. " " Annoy you MUCH ?! " you gasped dramatically , trying to hide your smile.

Moon put his hands up , shaking his head. " No no no , that isn't what I meant ! What..I meant was — " You bursted out laughing. You held your hands to your sides , they hurt so much from this laughter. Moon stared at you , unamused. If robots could be tired , Moon would be exhausted. " PFTHAHAHAHAA !!! IM SORRY I JU — BWHAHAHA — " you continued laughing.

Moon got up & left. " I'm too tired for this.. " he grumbled , returning to his usual grumpy mood. You were still on the floor laughing. That kid must've thought you were insane. Then , the lights turned on. You stopped laughing , looking around for the kid. You saw Sunny had gotten to him first.

" Rule-breaker RULE-BREAKER !! You are BANNED from the Daycare ! " he scolded him , as he pushed him out. " SECURITY ALERT !! SECURITY ALERT !!! WOO WOO WOOOO WOO !!! " He shut the doors closed , kicking the kid out. Sunny skipped back over to you as if
nothing happened just now. " Y/N !! Are you okAy ?!! That.. RULE-BREAKER turned those lights off ! Soo sorryyy " he said. You smiled , holding in your laugh again. " Nah , it's fine ! " Sun grabbed ahold of your hand & held it. You blushed slightly. " What did you do to MooOn ?! I felt hiM getting all flustered & wArm ! And you know him , he's sUUUper cold !! " Your mind went blank. Hahaha , how do i explain this to him —

You just shrugged. " I better report to Vanessa about this though , I'll tell her the kid left the daycare from that side , & tell her to check out near there. " you said , letting go of his hand , heading towards the door. " cAn i go with youuU ?! " Looking at him , it was impossible to say no. You nodded sure , & went with Sunny to find Vanessa. You noticed Chica was walking around weirdly , glitching even. As it was kind of your job as an employee to make sure things are going good , you head over to check on Chica. " Y/N — ? Where are you goinG ? " You pointed at Chica , who was very much glitching at this point. Chica saw you , & immediately started running towards you. Sun grabbed you quickly bridal style & ran away from her , carrying you into the bathrooms nearby. ( don't ask 😍 )

He gently placed you down , peeking out of the bathroom door. He was keeping his eye on Chica. The bathroom was dark. Then you realized Sunny wasn't there. It was Moon. Oh good god Moon was in the bathroom with you what on earth. Moon looked at you with a mischievous grin. " And what were you & Sun doing~? " he asked. You were blushing madly. " Nothing !! We were umm , hiding from Chica. " Moon looked a little disappointed. Jeez , an animatronics imagination can be scary. " He HAD to hide in a bathroom...?? This is the boys bathroom too.. "

Moon approached you , & grabbed your hips , pulling you near him. " Never mind that , are you alright ? " he questioned. Good lord he was so close you were about to faint. " Yeah ! I'm fine. " you replied , slowly inching away , for him to only pull you closer. " Ah ah ah~ Don't try & leave now. " his teasing voice was so attractive. WHAT ?

He glanced at the door again , hearing metal footsteps. " y-y-y/nNn ?! We on-only wwwwwant to hE-ELP youuuu " you heard Chica's voice glitching. You raised your eyebrows in concern. " Now that's a little freaky. " Moon nodded. Why was HE nodding ?? He was freaky too !
( leave the word ' freaky ' up to ur imagination for Moon )

( WOWWWW !! It's midnight again , i'm super tired !! Apologies in advance if this story is heading towards a boring direction — i'm sort of changing my mind about this story & their personalities. ofc , i will continue this , but i'm also thinking of remaking this. yk , same story , but different personalities & a some changes here & there. hmm , my brain is collapsing. Anyways , i hope u enjoyed this !! maybe ?! idk. I hope you guys are taking care of yourselves <33 !!! )


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