Chapter 8 - No Contact and Extreme Confusion

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Perspective Switch: Teddy Fitzroy

"What?" I asked. "What is it?"

"Well," said Hoenekker. "We just got a message that you guys need to head to the launch pad!"

Summer looked confused. "Which launch pad? For what?"

"For a rocket, silly."

"Why?" I asked.

"I just said, we got a message. It was from the government."

"The government?" Summer gasped. "Why would they want us to go to a launch pad?"

"Beats me," said Hoenekker. "Just get in the car."

A car pulled up on Adventure Avenue in front of Polar Pavilion. We hopped in it and buckled our seat belts. The car sped away.

We passed a lot of streets and landmarks I didn't recognize. I had never been in that part of Texas before.

Finally, the car skidded to a stop. We got out, and it sped away.

We were in front of the launch pad. From watching the screens around the place, a rocket was to touch down in a few hours.

I was extremely confused. I took out my phone and called Hoenekker. He didn't answer. Just for the heck of it, I called again. He still didn't answer. I tried to leave him a voicemail, but it wouldn't let me. I tried to text him, but it wouldn't let me either.

I didn't know what had happened. Sure, a rocket landing was exciting, but why had he taken us here?

With nothing else to do, I turned my attention to Summer, who looked just as confused as me.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"I don't know. What was Hoenekker thinking, dropping us off here?"

"Maybe he thought I was seriously hurt after getting struck by the fish"

"Maybe he wanted to give us a break from FunJungle."

"He said we have a case to solve. Did something go wrong here, and he just didn't bother with the instructions?"

"Don't we mostly solve animal cases? Not rocket science ones?"

I sighed. "Yes, but maybe an animal delayed it and we have to catch the animal?"

Summer looked angry. "He should have given us instructions!" She stamped her foot on a log stump. Several people looked our way.

I sighed again. "We will just have to wait, I guess."

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