Chapter 13: Operation False Goldstein

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Charlie woke up at the crack of dawn. Dash was already gone. He had to leave extra early before his family woke up and realized he was gone. Charlie had insisted she would be fine alone, but Dash had wanted to stay with her. He was probably worried that Charlie wasn't competent enough to make up something if someone found her and questioned her. Charlie didn't need to emerge much, though. She enjoyed the greenhouse and observing the plants and how they were different from plants on earth. She documented them in her head for comparison back on earth. Well, if her plan tomorrow worked out. She was relatively sure it would, but if it didn't, she'd have to take rather drastic measures to make sure she got back to earth.

When Dash came in a few hours later, Charlie had collected bits of rocks, mulch, and plant leaves and created a picture on the ground of planet earth, with rocks and mulch for the ocean, and leaves for the land.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Making a picture."

"Why? I thought you were too busy being astonished by that one tomato plant."

"I think you can understand why that storyline got kind of old."

"No, I can't. It's truly fascinating."

"Be quiet, I can't think with you around."

Dash sighed. "We are leaving today. I sure hope this plan of yours that you haven't decided to share with me works out."

"It will. It's nice that you worry about me."

"I do. I worry about your brain."

"Gee, thanks."

"You're welcome."

"Anyway, it'll work out. I've got it all planned out."

"All I can do is trust you." Dash sighed. "Anyway, I brought you this from dinner." He handed Charlie some dehydrated meat loaf. "Ew," she said.

"That's one of the more delicious things here." 


Charlie ate the meatloaf.

"I'll have to go back to my room tonight. My parents and I are celebrating," said Dash. "We're leaving in the morning, so be ready, okay?"

"Alright, alright, I got it. I'll be ready at 1:30 AM."

"I meant maybe more like 7:00."



"Fine," Charlie said. "4:30."

Dash sighed and gave in. "4:30."

Charlie went to sleep and woke herself up at 1:00. Dash wouldn't be ready for a while, but she needed to prepare. Charlie was tall for her age and figured that if she acted like one of the scientists, she could pull off her plan.

The rocket was leaving at 8:00 AM. Charlie assessed the plan in her head, mentally prepared, and got ready for a break in.

At 2:00, she snuck into Dr. Goldstein's room. She knew quite a lot about Dr. Goldstein, for she had watched her gardening and planting and observed her methods. Charlie picked the lock on Goldstein's residence, stealthy snuck in, and stole one of Dr. Goldstein's outfits that looked the smallest, hopefully fitting Charlie.

Then Charlie got out of there before anyone noticed her. She went back into the greenhouse, put the clothes on (they were a bit big, but Charlie managed to clip it up with a hairpin) and waited for Dash.

Dash stumbled in at around 4:31, half-asleep and grumpy. However, he also seemed excited.

As they waited, Charlie detailed her plan to Dash. He was skeptical at first, but admitted it might work and was probably their only option.

When 8:00 came around, the rocket arrived. Everyone on MBA was excitedly filing into it. When Dr. Goldstein went in, Charlie waited for the next person to go. Then, she walked up into the rocket.

"Dr. Goldstein?" Asked Kira. "I thought you already went in."

"I went back out because I forgot my hairbrush," Charlie lied.

"Oh," said Kira, then boarded the rocket, not suspecting anything.

Charlie sighed with relief. Once she was on the rocket, she made sure no one was looking, then locked herself in the bathroom. 

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