Chapter 12: Abandoned

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"So," I said. "What the heck are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know, knit? How did Hoenekker not tell us how long we were going to wait?" She paused. "Actually, scratch that. He should have told us why we needed to wait in the first place. We've been here for two hours already! And we have to spend the night here?"

"I guess so. I don't know what he wanted us to do, so let's just wait until the rocket touches down. I don't know my way around here and my phone almost has no battery left."

"Mine too," Summer agreed.

"Hmm," I said. "A few hours ago, when I was trying to call Hoenekker, my phone was at 100%. I haven't used it since."

"Actually you're right. Mine was also 100%. All I did was try to text my dad, which he didn't respond to."

"That's weird."

"This is all weird. How can this be?"

"I don't know. Let's just wait until the rocket lands. Then, let's get the heck out of here. This is creepy."

"Alright. Well, it's getting dark." Summer walked over to a grassy area and layed down. I layed down next to her. It was nice sleeping under the stars. I just hoped that we knew what we were doing. Actually, we probably didn't. We just had to hope.

Stories Collide - A Stuart Gibbs StoryWhere stories live. Discover now