Chapter 3

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Patrick Watson-Je te laisserai des mots 

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Monday is here after wasted Sunday. It is seven am and Louis is going to work. Even though he is the owner he likes to be at work before eight am. He wears his favorite black skinny jeans and white shirt in which his prominent collarbones are showing more than ever. He thinks that today will be a good day, and he wakes up with a smile on his face. Maybe it's just because Zayn is at work and he doesn't have to spend all day alone in his office.

Louis locks his apartment door and slowly walks down the stairs to his front door. His steps led to a white car he had bought for his 20th birthday. Now he is 27 and he is unable to buy himself a new car. Not that he has financial problems at all, but his love for this car is too strong. Maybe one day when the wheels will fall off. The journey to work takes him a maximum of 20 minutes during which he sings together with the radio. He loves singing but he is not really good at it.

Louis comes to work with his worker Gia, she is his favorite waitress, and her energy and smile can light up a full room of people. She is relatively young, she is 23 years old but she takes the job as if she had been working for twenty years.

Her long red hair flies through the air when she opens the door for Louis inviting him inside.

" Good morning boss, how are you today?" Gia smiles at Louis trying to make his morning even better. She saw in the beginning that her boss is in good mood.

She is a sweetheart. Louis didn't know what he would do without her. " Darling I told you not to call me boss, we are equal here. I feel wonderful today I hope nothing will ruin my day."

" Yeah, today is a good day."

After entering the restaurant, Gia went to the locker room and Louis to his office. It was a simple room with bookshelves, an oak desk, and a cabinet. On the floor is a red Victorian rug. The office was kinda gloomy like there was no light. His big windows were proof that it was not possible.

Louis sits behind his desk, turning on his notebook. His only responsibility was to ensure the succession of the restaurant in terms of food deliveries, payments, and orders. Dave was more for practical duties. He often also helped in the kitchen, that was one thing Louis was afraid of.

His plan for today is to process payments and orders, which will take some time. He needs to go to lunch with Dave, and discuss the new menu. It's a concept of one week in one country. For example France week or China week, just special dishes from the special country. Then he will annoy Zayn because it's extraordinary that his friend is at work when he is. He is so cheerful that he will have company.


Louis has half the work done when he thinks he should take a break. His break consists of looking for plants and flowers that he would like to have in his imaginary garden. If he had more time for gardening his garden wouldn't be just imaginary. Louis scrolls at the website looking at his favorite flower. It's Dahlia, in particular, it's orange Dahlia. The core of the flower is dark orange with red tones and the petals are lightly orange turning yellow. He loves this flower more than his apartment. It just brings so much joy and he could look at it all day.

Before he can click on the order button, his door opens and he can see Dave's face full of boredom.

" Hi Louis can we go to the lunch I'm really starving and I want to figure out the menu."

Louis stood up from his chair, walking towards Dave. He is glad that he will have this whole menu thing figured out because it's extra stress.

" Yeah sure come on mate."

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