Chapter 6

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Frank Ocean-Forrest Gump 

Hii guys new chapter is here. :) This is probably longest chapter, and I have feeling like this chapter holds so much emotions, so I hope you will enjoy it.

Please vote and comment bestie <3 


Sun is peaking behind the blinders on Louis's face. He is tossing in his bed trying to find a better position and avoid penetrating light. Today is the first day after a long time when Louis can lay in his bed. He doesn't need to go to work. More like he doesn't need to go to work in the morning, grumbling about waking up. And it's sad and pathetic that he is thinking about only one thing.

Yesterday, Louis prepared pencils and paper for Harry, but he didn't come. Louis is an honest person and he isn't going to lie that he wasn't upset. It was more pleasant when Harry was with him, chatting about everything. He is really wise and conversations with him aren't something Louis is afraid of. And that's the sad thing. Louis enjoys talking with Harry and the sadder is that Louis thought he would come.

Maybe he just had something to do and he will come tomorrow. Oh shit, what if Harry will come today and Louis wouldn't be there? No that's impossible, he can't think like this because he will be just disappointed in the end.

Louis is going to sleep for a while. He needs to enjoy the freedom for as long as he can. Or he tries to sleep but he can't. His head is spinning with so many questions. For example, how is he going to talk to strangers? Oh god, he forgot that he needs to wear a suit. Incredible. What if he won't go? His father would probably scream at him disrupting his good reputation. His relationship with his dad isn't that bad but his father relies highly on their business. His mom is his figure his whole life, maybe it's like that because his mother is a wonderful soul and she would never hurt him. He isn't saying his father did but it's the fact his father is treating him more like an assistant or colleague not like a son.

So the only thing he will do right now is: make himself a tea, watch his favorite serial 'friends' and he will hope it will cheer him up. He would be happier if someone was with him, he doesn't mean a human being, rather a dog or cat. He should think about buying a dog. Or he could go check the dog shelter, that would be cool. But now he is alone. He should set an alarm because he is convinced that he is going to fall asleep.


Dave is checking if is everything okay. It's half past four and he isn't ready for this birthday dinner, even though it isn't his dinner. That's the reason why Louis is in his lovely office reading his book. The only thing he lacks is tea. He needs to calm his nerves. The amount of strangers who are going to talk to him is terrifying. He wants Niall here to tell him a few jokes and calm him down.

But now he must mature and learn to expose himself to unwanted situations. Maybe this will be a good lesson for him and he will take something from it. Just maybe. Nobody is perfect so he doesn't need to.

"Louis, can you go with me, to look at the decorating? You are better with these things."Dave stuck his head in Louis's office. His face shone with the nerves but at the same time with the passion for his job. Knocking is really underrated, what if he was doing something inappropriate and Dave would see him?

"Of course." Louis stands up from his chair, putting his favorite book on the table next to the other books. He feels intelligent when he looks at the book pile on his table. His blazer is a little bit crooked from sitting, neither adjusting with hand help. He hopes it won't look unprofessional.

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