Chapter 18

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Tom Rosenthal-Go Solo

For your love, I will go far
I wanna be wherever you are
I know I'm coming back for you
Our love is a river long
The best right in a million wrongs
I know I'm coming back to you 


New chapter is hereeee :)

I hope you will like it, it's longer chapter so enjoy it <3

please vote and comment loves <3


Snowflakes fall behind Louis' window, creating a white carpet on the ground that people step on, a creaking sound coming from under their feet. The wind is a little bit colder, forcing people to hide their faces in scarves and hands in pockets, protecting them from frostbite. This is Louis' second favorite weather right after autumn, he's more of a fan of the colder, frost-stained skin, weather, with a touch of rain.

This weather and this month remind him that he has known Harry for almost three months and is returning with his thoughts to October when he had no idea that now, two days before Christmas Eve, he would be packing home to visit his family with a picture in his head, Harry sitting next to him at his birthday lunch with their friends, and then visiting him at his parents.

He feels like he's getting closer and closer to Harry every day, his scent and closeness, his delicate skin and dimples attacking and fooling every part of his tricked brain. It's a scary feeling, it wants to attack his cells in the entire body as well, his soul and every corner of his temple, but he can't let it, it's the only thing he has power over and he doesn't want to give it up. He wants to have power over how he reacts to Harry and wants to let him know that his body can no longer be without his contagious poisoning in the form of his laughter and tenacious closeness.

This is his biggest fear lately, that he will no longer be able to hear Harry's laughter and that their paths will simply part. The only reason these feelings began to come to light is the approaching acquaintance of his family and Harry. Then there will be no going back and Louis will follow him, all parts of his existence connected to Harry. If Harry left, his existence would simply collapse and he would have to search among the heartless pieces in the museum and the gallery, he would have to learn everything again as if he had a stroke.

Louis is pacing around his apartment trying to find the last things he needs to pack. He's packing now, in advance, because he knows he'll want to spend as much time with Harry and their friends as possible, and he won't be in the mood to pack at the last minute. His mother taught him to do everything now and not keep it at the last minute, but Louis only listens to this advice when it suits him and not when he should.

Harry's sweater thrown over the back of the couch pulls him out of his thoughts. That was the thing Louis was looking for, and now he's reaching for it and throwing it into an almost full suitcase. For the few days he won't be with him, he needs a piece of him, something he can snuggle up to and imagine Harry is next to him.

It brings back memories of their movie night a few days ago, sitting together on the couch as close together as possible, Louis' head in Harry's lap, and the only thing that was heard in Louis' apartment was the movie in the background and Louis' giggles coming from his mouth once in a while after Harry decided to tickle him.

Lately, they have had more such movie nights and less walking around. Unlike Louis, Harry is not a big fan of this winter weather and prefers to stay wrapped in a blanket on Louis' couch, and clearly, Louis doesn't have a problem with that as long as he can lie practically on him and steal a kiss once in a while as if it was an activity that his body has memorized and does so automatically.

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