Chapter One: The Check-In

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A/N: I do not own any of the images used, songs mentioned, or the characters/setting from the original show. Happy reading! <3


Puttin' on the Ritz - Taco


"Hi, Charlotte Hanover. I should have a reservation," I said timidly. The woman behind the counter, older with kind but tired eyes, looked down at the book open on the counter.

"Hanover, yes. Room 35." She turned around and retrieved the key from its cubby on the wall. "My name's Iris, and Liz--where is she?" Iris looked around just as an androgynous looking person in a glittery blue dress, presumably Liz, walked out the door next to the front desk. "Liz here is going to be showing you to your room. Let us know if you need anything during your stay," Iris said as she handed me my room key.

"Thank you," I said, adjusting the way I was holding my bag so I could slip the key into my pocket.

Liz greeted me with a smile. "Do you need any help with your things?"

"Sure, if you don't mind," I said, choosing the lighter of my two suitcases and giving her the handle. "Thanks."

"This way," she said, setting off towards the elevator. I followed behind her, looking up at my surroundings. The lobby was extravagant; large chandeliers hung from the ceiling and ornate columns lined the seating area on the ground floor. The chairs and couches all looked comfortable, each the same shade of red that matched the geometrically-patterned carpet.

I had no idea this hotel was so fancy. It was honestly a bit confusing; I'd picked this hotel because it was the cheapest one I could find on such short notice. I wondered if the rooms would be as lavish as the lobby appeared.

"So what brings you to the Hotel Cortez?" Liz asked. We reached the elevator and she pressed the up button.

"I'm just here til I can find a new apartment," I answered. The golden elevator doors opened, revealing it to be empty. Liz stepped inside and I followed her. She pressed the button for the third floor and the doors closed. "I like your dress, by the way."

"Thank you," she smiled. "It's new."

The elevator came to a stop as it reached the third floor. The doors opened and Liz walked out. I followed behind her, rummaging in my pocket for the room key.

The hallway was completely vacant and dead silent; we were the only two in sight.

"Are a lot of people checked in right now?" I looked around us, finding no other sources of life.

"Yes, but a lot of our residents tend to be on the private side," she said. "This one right here," Liz stopped in front of room 35. Since I was carrying a lot, she took the key from me and unlocked the door. I went in after her, looking around at my new temporary home. I placed my things down on the floor, rubbing my shoulder where my bag had been digging into it.

The room wasn't dirty or particularly ugly, but it was definitely not as fancy as the lobby, not that I had really expected it to be. One thing the room did seem to be, however, was outdated. Between the pattern on the bedspread, the picture on the wall above it with yellowing paper, and the carpet, the room definitely needed an upgrade. Not that I was complaining; all I really needed was a bed and a bathroom, the decor was the least of my worries.

"If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask," Liz said, propping the suitcase she had been holding next to the other one. "I'll either be at the front desk with Iris or behind the bar."

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