Chapter Nine: The Bed

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Sexxx Dreams - Lady Gaga


"You may come in!" Elizabeth's voice called out as I opened the front door to her penthouse. The living room area was empty, but I could see straight through to the bedroom. She was laying on the enormous circular bed, a man beside her. It wasn't Tristan, so I realized this must be Donovan. Immediately I wondered if I was intruding upon something, but then again she had invited me in.

She sat up as I approached. I walked carefully up the steps to the bedroom, stopping in the doorway. They were both clothed, evidently just relaxing.

"You can go," she said to Donovan. "I'll see you later."

I looked away as he kissed her goodbye, standing up to leave, the tiniest pang of jealousy beginning to blossom the longer I watched them. I stepped away from the doorway so Donovan could pass through, his clear blue eyes washing over me as he made his way out of the bedroom.

"To what do I owe this visit?" she smiled at me as I heard the front door open and close; it was just the two of us now.

I shrugged, suddenly feeling shy. "I just wanted to see you." It was true. I hadn't seen her around the hotel for a couple days so I had decided to visit her on my own. 

She was wearing a black robe with gold embellishments on it, and I swallowed as I noticed that all she had on under that was a pair of black underwear. Her flawless face was free of makeup, her long blonde hair falling around her in loose waves. In short, she looked immaculate. 

"Come sit," she said, patting the spot next to her on the bed. I walked over, kicking my shoes off and sitting down next to her. She laid down on the bed again as I settled beside her, each of us laying on the bed, our heads nearly touching as they rested on one of the many large pillows. "I missed you, too," she said, as we each stared up at the ceiling.

I couldn't believe I was on this bed with her. It was one thing to have kissed her in the walk-in closet the other day, but laying on the bed with her was so much more intimate. Thoughts of her doing things with her other lovers on this very surface kept bubbling up but I tried my best to push them out of my mind. 

Even though there was so much I wanted to tell her, I was content with the silence for now. I felt her reach over and grab my hand with hers,  the one without the silver glove on it, her thumb stroking the back of my hand gently. The touch sent chills up my spine. There was an energy radiating off of her, and being this close to her was magnetic.

I thought of James, how even when I first met him I had never felt this strange calm come over me, this sense of peace from deep within. Something about being with Elizabeth just felt right.

"I have to admit, having you around the hotel has shaken things up a little," she said, still stroking my hand as we gazed up at the intricate designs on the ceiling.

"How so?"

"Well, for one, it's caused me to run into James far more frequently than I have in recent years," the Countess said.

"Sorry," I said. "I'm assuming that's a bad thing for you?"

"Not always," she said. "He is irritating, and a menace, but can be amusing at times. And I suppose he's still handsome. What I mean is, I don't agree, but I can understand why you'd be attracted to him."

"Huh," I said, mildly surprised: that was the nicest thing I'd ever heard her say about him.

"Anyway, enough about him. You're here with me right now. It's just you and me."

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